Monday, November 18, 2019


Monday morning always comes earlier than I expect and I was so tired last night after all that walking yesterday that I don't even remember my head hitting the pillow last night.
Hubbie took g-son to school and I got chores done then we both took RL to her pre-school. Neither of us are feeling great this morning so we made one stop at Ingles to pick up cat food which we are out of and came home.
I got weekly laundry started and daughter dropped IR off on her way to Walmart.
Hubbie played with her while I put away clean clothes and did some ironing.
I left hubbie and IR here to go pick up RL and she went to sleep on the way home but woke up when hubbie tried to get her out of her carseat.
IR was glad to see her and they had corndogs for lunch then played together all afternoon while daughter, CA and hubbie rested and watched them and I did laundry.
Daughter took IR and CA home for naps and d-in-love came after RL just in time for hubbie and I to get chores done.
After chores we came inside and loaded up laundry mat laundry of all the bed and furniture covers for the last couple months so I can stop by the laundry mat on the way home in the morning.
We both had a very restful evening trying to get the upper hand on our coughs and congestion.
Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night