Sunday, March 15, 2020


Got to sleep in this morning as all church services are also canceled across the state today.
I have never lived through anything like this in all my years and I just pray that all these precautions work and this virus gets under control.
We fixed lunch for only daughter's family and us today as everyone else had other plans. We listened to one of our favorite pastors from South Carolina, Don Wilton, as he gave an internet only sermon this morning
We had smoked pork chops, baked potatoes, green beans, corn, slaw and biscuits.
IR and CA stayed with us while daughter and son-in-love went to the grocery store.
They said the shelves were mostly empty there.
They picked us up a couple things as hubbie and I don't plan on getting out especially where there is a crowd of people as this virus is effecting older folks more than younger ones. There is no use taking a chance of getting it when we don't have to be out in the public. Neither of us mind spending time at home.
After daughter's family went home hubbie went downstairs and cut all our potatoes to allow time for them to heal before planting.
I went out to work more on cleaning out my blackberry patch. This is what it looked like when I started.
And this is all that is left after I got out all the dead vines.
We also got all the soil hubbie bought yesterday into these other cattle waterers now raised beds.

I cleaned this old tire bed out and Rosie thought it was a nice soft place to sit.

#1 son's family walked up this afternoon and this is my little shadow as I worked.
I just love her and her spunky spirit !!!
After they left hubbie and I got chores done and then had some leftover supper before relaxing for the evening.
Both daughter and d-in-love have to work for tomorrow and Tuesday to get the virtural learning system set up so we will have all the kids for those days.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and praying that this virus spread slows down.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

This whole Corona Virus thing is getting bad. All our schools are closed. Our Pastor asked the congregation, yesterday, if we wanted to not have services or continue. Since we rarely have more than 70 people attending we opted to keep the services but without personal contact with anyone. A lot of business are having their people work from home. I know we will all get through this but it sure is a pain while it is going on. I pray God keeps you and your family safe and healthy.