Saturday, June 13, 2020


Slept in a little this morning with nothing pressing to get done early. The clouds are building this morning with the promise of some rain later tonight or early in the morning.
As I checked in on the red silkie and found her chasing after 12 little guineas, a surprising hatch out of 13 eggs , especially the way she kept kicking them out from under her from time to time.
Another scare this morning was the large grey hen that has been setting on 8 eggs and has less than a week to go was off the nest. Dang I have been afraid she would do this as I have never let one of my laying hens set before because they typically won't set the full 21 days. As I racked my brain with something to do with the eggs she calmly walked back over to the nest and sat back down to my relief.
I need to do a chicken update of all the chicks so far this season , maybe I will remember to get this done tomorrow.
Hubbie and I have decided to buy a chicken tractor instead of trying to build another one now if I can only find one that is right for our flock.
All the kids are having fun today. Son-in-love's niece Brianna received her high school diploma early this morning and they have celebrated with her all day.
#1 son's family survived a terrible rain storm last night in the camper but are having a wonderful time today fishing with cousins and  John on his boat.

I made the cake delivery this morning and the customers said they had went by the Curb Market but refused to go inside because no one they saw had a mask on.
Henderson county cases went up by 30 in the last 24 hours and the state of NC went up by over 1700 in the last 24 hours. Both whopping new records and very scary numbers.
Hubbie mowed the lawn today as clouds built all day. I did some housework and sorted some laundry then went to the garden and gathered some fresh salad fixings to have for lunch.
I  ate then sat outside and soaked up the quietness of this day and the upper 70's temperatures and party cloudiness made it feel wonderful out there.
Hubbie grilled some pork chops and the last of our asparagus of the season for as early supper.
We worked in the garden pulling some weeds and hubbie transplanted some cantelope and watermelon plants that he had where some early onions were planted that we have eaten.
I noticed these really pretty purple blooms getting to open on my heirloom purple pod beans.
As I came inside I noticed the colorful clouds that were now almost covering the sky.
Tonight I had to catch up on my blog and then get some online work done.
Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

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