Friday, September 25, 2020



I saw this today and thought wow, hw fitting this is for us this year. Waking to another rainy cool morning makes things feel even more like fall. My Burning bushes think it is time for them to show off their bright red color.                                                                                                                                                             
And watching the upcoming forecast sure looks like we are in for an early fall in our area. Which makes me think back to my childhood days when cool temps did come in with the first of October and by the middle of the month the colors would be peaking and frost was always expected. In the years lately we have had longer summer weather seems like each year and the growing season was always extended most years through the end of October.  But this year is shaping up to be a kick back to the old days with the dipping jet stream welcoming in the month of October.                                                         

Wondering if the heat will return after this cold spell ??????                                                                        Today around here was a pretty boring normal day with all three grand girls here and stuck inside for the day. After chores and breakfast we all played in the living room and playroom alternately until it was time for me to go pick up lunches for them.  CA was taking a nap when I got back so the rest of us had lunch and then IR and RL were banned to the playroom until she finished her nap.                             More play , a cake delivery and an egg order pick-up made up our afternoon.                                           After the girls were all picked up I cooked hubbie and I some BBQ chicken leg quarters and riced cauliflower for supper. I woke up with an upset stomach and haven't eaten much all day so I wanted a good meal.                                                                                                                                                     I emptied 2.4 inches of rain from the gauge today and hopefully Beta is out of our area tonight.              An early bedtime is on tap for me as I still am feeling a little weak from my stomach troubles of the morning.           
 Thankful for the blessings of this day.                                                                                                           God Bless and Good Night

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