Saturday, August 11, 2012


Busy,busy market day today. I was almost late after a little accident with Flash the basset hound. I was going out with a couple treats in my hand to put him back in the dog lot before I left when he jumped up and tried to snatch the treats from my hand. One of his teeth punctured my thumb at the base of my nail and lifted the nail loose,OUCH ,talk about pain !!!  I came immediately inside and but medicine on it and tried to stop the blood with a couple of tight bandaides.
Hubbie helped me get things set up at market and stayed for a while to help with a steady stream of customers.
I stayed busy all day until about 1pm. Daughter came in from her paint supervision at the school where she works and helped me load the van.
I stopped at Aldi and Ingles on the way home and made an Avon delivery.
Hubbie was here and just finishing weed eating so he got me unloaded. I forgot to stop and pick up my new Avon order from my friends house so Hubbie went with me back to do that and we stopped at his brothers house for a few minutes to check out a construction job he is doing. They used to have a porch off their bedroom where they put a hot tub, he has taken the hot tub out and is turning it into an exercise room. He was putting down a tile that looked like wood for the floor.
Back home we did chores and grilled a couple steaks for supper.
Then we sat outside and watched the sun go down on a chilly fall feeling  evening. The high today was 79 degrees and tonight the temperature will get into the 50's. A nice mid August break from the hot muggy dog days of summer.
The tropics are really getting busy suddenly as this hurricane season continues.

In August 1982 I was pregnant with #2son and enjoying our first summer with #1 son.
Hubbie and I spent almost every weekend at the lake,we both loved to water ski.
I was a good skier and didn't worry about falling even pregnant.

When I look back to our lives during this time they seemed so much simpler than they are now but I'm sure when we were living them at that time they didn't seem simple at all. I wonder if in 20 or even 10 years from now when I'm looking back will my life now seem like it was simple ??
Life has a unique way of evolving and we evolve with it and don't even realize it until we stop and look back and think of what we did in years past and yes how simpler things seemed or maybe things just seemed simpler because we were younger ??!!
God has been generously good to me through the years, I feel each day like a very blessed person and strive to do my very best to glorify Him in all that I do.
Good Night and God Bless.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Marilyn, Trying to catch up with blog reading now that we've been gone and I've been on blog break.

Had terribly hot and dry weather in Arkansas --but came home to some gorgeous weather here. This weekend has been near PERFECT in every respect.

Sorry about your rooster. Sorry your son hasn't found a house yet either. Hope your thumb is okay after the accident with Flash.

Hope the hurricanes stay away from the USA this year...


jeanlivingsimple said...

Your pictures and thoughts from the past really resonated with me. They were simpler times and yet we thought they were complicated.:)