Saturday, January 30, 2021


 Up to a cold cloudy Saturday morning. After chores I had a nice leisurely breakfast and then started cleaning house and changing out some of the decor from the blue "snowmen" of January to the red "hearts" of February.  Hubbie helped with the cleaning then went up to his woodshed to stack firewood that blew over in the wind this week.     I worked continuously until it was time to leave for the Curb Market annual stock holders meeting.  Hubbie and I put on our best protective mask and stayed away from all the other meeting goers.  The meeting was a terrible meeting with not many stockholders there at all.     I resigned from the board today because one of the other vendors stood up and berated me as a board member for not attending market regularly over this past year and basic asked the other vendors not to vote me back on the board. So rather than wait to see if I would be voted off I resigned saying there was too much work in the treasurer position to take the abuse I was being given in this meeting and I do not agree with the direction one of the newer board members is insisting in taking the market with turning the parking lot into a paid lot even on market days and joining with a man that in my opinion has a pretty shady work history.  So I felt it was time to hand over my checkbook and keys.  This covid-19 virus could be very devastating to CA with her heart disease and it isn't worth me taking the chance to bring it home to her as many market members have battled the virus over the last several months.   I still am a stockholder and will eventually be putting something back on my table to sell when the spread of this virus is at least slowing down.  My family and I have all gotten use to the regular abuse from people who do not believe in any of the recommendations for staying safe during this virus so we have steeled ourselves to stick with our convictions and just walk away from the abuse.  I will say one thing that this virus has done for me and that it surely has opened my eyes to the true type of person some people really are and some of them being so called friends and even clergy has forever changed my feelings toward them.                                                                                                    Hubbie and I came home after the meeting and had just gotten something to eat when we looked out the window and saw it was pouring snow.

The "snow flowers" quickly bloomed on the Azalea bushes around the porch.

The snow was really heavy and covered the ground quickly to about 1 inch before it slacked off and we headed out to get chores done.

D-in-love and RL walked up while I was taking care of my "hen pecked" rooster's head and she snapped these pictures of RL and I with him.  He is a very calm rooster and I cannot figure out way in the huge lot he stands and lets the pullets peck his head bloody.

RL had to make a "snow angel" before they left for home.        

I came inside and hubbie and I were glad to hunker down with the warmth of the wood stove for the evening.  The forecast for our area looks pretty daunting with snow and ice be morning.


Thankful for the Lord's guidance today and for all the blessings He showers me with each day.

God Bless and Good Night

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