Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 Woke to IR and CA only today and a very dense foggy morning outside. We had thunder storms pass through last night and we are thankful we only got rain as the storms did damage in alot of other places.     I got chores done and then we had breakfast.  After we ate we loaded up and headed to town to get some market business done.  I stopped by our accountant's office for the employees W-2 forms and then went to market to make a deposit and take care of some business there.                                                                        It took longer than I expected at market and we were after 12:00 getting lunches and getting home and the girls were hungry.  #2 son was here when we got here looking for some cloth to recover some chair cushions. I helped him find a couple choices for Tif to choose from and get the equipment he needed to get the job done.   While he a nd I were in my sewing shop hubbie had the girls inside feeding them lunch.   After son left I had my lunch then the girls wanted to go outside on this nice unseasonable January day. It was 70 degrees and sunny but a cool breeze made you want a light jacket.  The girls had a great time playing and sliding and running around in the nice weather.  

 Daughter came and took over pushing them  on the big swing.

After d-in-love came home she brought RL up to play a little while because RL heard IR and CA playing and wanted to join the fun.  After they all left hubbie and I went out to get chores done. The clouds are moving back in quickly this evening to bring more rain by tomorrow morning. 
The almost full "Wolf" moon was visible just for a little while before the clouds covered it tonight. It will be fullest on Thursday so with the rain and snow in the forecast through then this might be the only time I see it.

Hubbie and I gathered kale, carrots, bok choi, swiss chard and broccoli from the covered vegetable beds before recovering them with the plastic this evening. It is so nice to have this much fresh produce still available just steps from the back door. And it is so yummy !!!!

We relaxed for the evening . Since their wreck EL and BB have been suffering from minor concusions and have been having trouble with the screen light on their computers during their morning virtual school lessons so they have been wearing blue light glasses to help reduce the glare. I think they look very studious in their glasses .

Thankful for all the wonderful blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

Wow, you had a spring like day and we had a terrific winter storm. Over 10 inches of snow. Sure was a mess around here. Neighbors were out 3-4 times trying to keep sidewalks and driveways clear of snow. I'll keep EL and BB in my prayers for God's healing.