Sunday, November 7, 2010


Church was good this morning,still in the last chapter of Romans and learning about some of God's chosen servants.Our fall communion table was set and looked beautifully bountiful. We have lots to be thankful for this month and every month.

#1 son was our only guest at lunch,we had a crock pot full of beef stew and a cake of corn bread. It felt like a cool fall day lunch.
After he left I continued my search through pictures. Hubbie did his favorite Sunday afternoon thing of watching a race on TV.
We watched some of the Panthers game during lunch, looking for #1 son's family in the stands, this was g-sons first big game. I'm afraid it wasn't much of a game,but I'm sure he didn't notice the score !!
Chore time came early by the clock this evening and in stead of waiting until we came home from church we had to do them all before we left for church.
Our Associate Pastor led the discussion tonight as our main Pastor has gone to the NC Baptist Convention. We are on chapter 3 of the Christian Atheist book we are studying together.
Hubbie helped me defrost my freezer tonight then we gave Bernie and Dolly haircuts and baths,whew!!!
This has been an extremely looooonnnnggg day,as it always is when the time goes back.

As I searched for pictures from November 1960 I didn't have any luck at all,guess there was way to much getting ready for the winter months ,storing food and etc. to have time for photography.
I do know that something very special happen in that month of that year.
On November 8,1960 John F. Kennedy was elected 35th president of the United States.
Unfortunately it was also in November 3 years later when he would be killed.
I have always wondered how the history of this country would have changed had he not been killed?????
I was only 9 years old but somehow I remember feeling the pain of his untimely death.
We were sent home from school early and that is one of the only times I ever saw my dad shed a tear. Everyone,everywhere seemed to be devastated and even a 9 year old knew something very bad had happened. I remember feeling the ache in my heart when we watched the funeral on TV.
I wonder,wonder,wonder what difference he would have made in this country,how would our lives have changed???
Unfortunately like several great men who met with untimely deaths that is something we'll be left to ponder forever.

Maybe God knew something we didn't !!!!
Or maybe he was as special as everyone seemed to think and God called him home early?
And maybe we'll have all these questions answered when we get to Heaven !
But somehow I don't think it'll matter to us when we reach our final destination and stand before God.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Marilyn, The church's altar is pretty--all decorated for Thanksgiving.

Your beef stew and corn bread sounds yummy.

My youngest son is a HUGE Saints fan --and they are the ones who beat the Panthers on Sunday... Sorry about that!!

I'm not sure what I think about JFK... He became loved AFTER his death... IF he had lived, I'm not sure what could or would have been different....

As it is with all of life, we just have to do the best we can and pray that our country will return to God and back to the way our ancestors wanted it to be.
