Friday, November 23, 2012


It was a calm "black Friday" morning for me !!  Woke to G-son announcing "it's morning time" just like he has always done each time he spends the night over here. His mom had to work today and his dad went hunting early this morning so he stayed here last night so he (and us) wouldn't have to get up at the crack of dawn.
After chores and breakfast I delivered a cake order of 5 cakes.
When I came back hubbie,g-son and I went to Tractor Supply for feed and Ace hardware for a new door handle for #2 son's house because the old one has a broken spring and isn't latching.
At g-son's request we stopped back by Walmart to check out some of their sales. He wanted to show us some things he wanted for Christmas and we needed dog food.
G-son got a new pair of shoes on sale and a Lego set for being the good boy he is !!
We saw none of the Black Friday crowds, all the early bird shoppers must now be home in bed.
When I saw the card above I thought it really hit the nail on the head.
We had leftovers for lunch and #1 son joined us after another empty hunting trip and daughter after she finished her ball practice. After we all ate daughter went home and #1 son sat down on the couch and fell asleep for the afternoon. I guess all these early morning hunting trips caught up with him. G-son played with his new legos while hubbie worked outside on some little jobs to get ready for the cold spell that is coming. I went downstairs and sewed up all the jean aprons I had cut out.
I made 3 of these ladies aprons.
And these 2 kids aprons.
The skies darkened this evening and looked like they would bring rain for sure but never did. The weather roller coaster continues for us starting tomorrow. After more than a week of really nice sunny 60's degree days we are cooling down again.

After chores and supper I iced 12 caramel and 1 coconut cakes tonight.
Tomorrow is "Old Timey Christmas" Saturday at market hopefully the cold windy weather won't keep customers away.
The weather didn't seem to deter the official beginning of the Christmas season in downtown  tonight as the trees were lit and Santa made his first appearance.

I hope all my blogger friends had a safe and happy Thanksgiving and day after. As we transition into a different season may the peace,joy,love and hope that the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ brought to the world be in your heart all year long.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

linda m said...

Sounds like you had a good "black Friday". I don't even venture out on that day - would rather not get the sale of the century than fight off all the kooks. At this time of year I wish more people would remember the true meaning of Christmas and forget all the hype and emphasis on material things and focus on the Spiritual blessings. God's blessings to you.