Sunday, November 8, 2015


Getting used to these dreary mornings as I did the chores and the animals were all out and about early since I forgot to shut any of the doors when we got back late last night. I try not to make a habit of letting them out at sunrise because of all the early morning predators we have around here. I lost an entire flock of guineas in the early morning to foxes who sat under the roosting trees waiting for breakfast.
Church was good today, I got there a bit early as I was a greeter this morning.
The sermon was from Habakkuk chapter 2.
After church we got a surprise when we got home as we had no power at our house. Hubbie went to look for a fallen tree or limb on our line and found a poor fried squirrel under our main transformer.
I called for a repairman to come flip the breaker on the transformer and they said it would be fixed by 4:30.
We already had 2 pounds of hamburger browned for spaghetti sauce earlier this morning so we moved lunch to Aa and Re's house.  #1 son's family was there also. Daughter went to watch one of Josh's nieces get Baptized this morning and then out to lunch with them. #2 son was still getting unpacked from his Florida trip after they got in late last night. Thankful for safe travel for him and  g-friend Tiffany.
We finished the spaghetti and everyone ate then visited for a little while. The kids ate very well and then they all played so well together it was fun to watch.
The boys ............ G-son and BB

G-son even let EL style his hair without complaints.
G-daughter slept through the entire time we were there.
Hubbie and I came home around 3:00 to find the power already fixed, thanks Duke Energy !!
Hubbie buried the poor squirrel and we looked and saw a nest just above the power lines so there maybe more of these mis-haps.
Hubbie watched a race on TV while I caught up reading my blog books and did some other small tasks around the house.
#2 son came by later and watched the end of the Panthers/Packers football game with us. Son  had a great time in Florida but it was really hot, in the 90's everyday.  He was sore from the 10+ hour drive home yesterday.
After he left we did evening chores and got things ready for more rainy days.
Under the dark clouds of this day the temperature only got into the lower 50's for a pretty raw day.
The winter storm names for this season were released but none have been used yet.
Thankful tonight for the love of Jesus Christ and for the strength and good health to start a new week.
Good Night and God Bless

1 comment:

linda m said...

Those pesky squirrels. Glad your power is back on. Our mornings have been in the low30's with frost all over the place. The heat is on and running. Blessings