Sunday, November 5, 2017


Woke up on regular schedule  this morning and wondered why the clocks said it was still 6am ???
It took a while for me to realize the time had changed last night and all our clocks had been set back.
I had a very bad night of coughing that I couldn't stop so hubbie said since he listened to me rattling in my chest when I did sleep I should definitely try and get to a doctor today to find out if I had pneumonia .
I did morning chores and was eating my oatmeal for breakfast when daughter called and said she was really sick this morning and thought she might have strep throat. I told her she could go along with me to the clinic my doctors have on weekends in Asheville.. They didn't open until 11:00 so I took a nap while I waited to call for an appointment.
When I called them I was told they didn't make appointments anymore and that there was an almost 2 hour wait time at that time.
Daughter who had just arrived flopped on the couch and said she didn't think she could ride that far and wait that long as she felt really bad.
We decided to hit the CVS minit clinic here in town, at tleast they could do strep and flu teat for her and give me some cough syrup.
We went out and signed in just before the clinic nurse went to lunch so we would be the first to get in when she came back.
We went to Ingles to pick up a couple things we needed and then I stopped by Taco bell for a taco for my lunch, daughter didn't want anything but a snack from CVS when we got back there.
Daughter went in first and stayed a long time. When she came out she said all the strep and flu test were negative and she must just have a virus.
My turn went different as the nurse was over her head with my symptoms and made no bones about it after she listened to my lungs.
She said I needed a chest x-ray and she couldn't do one there . I would have to go over to the urgent care.
Daughter still felt bad so we stopped by to see how crowded the urgent care was and so that I could sign in for a place in line and then take her home and come back since it was only about 10 minutes from my house.
To our surprise there was no one in the waiting room at the urgent care and they said I would be taken right in. But that the results for the chest x-ray could take a while because they had to send it to the hospital to be read and then get the results back from them and they didn't know how busy they were.
I gave daughter my keys and she went home to get her car and go home and send hubbie back to pick me up.
I got right in and  the x-ray results didn't take long to get back and thankfully I don't have pneumonia , at least not quite yet.  I have a very bad case of bronchitis . I got very strong antibiotics and some strong cough syrup that can only be taken at night with orders if I'm not better 5 days into the prescription I have to go to my doctor because I am borderline on having bronchial  pneumonia.
Hubbie came back to pick me up just as I was leaving and we stopped at Ingles  to pick up my meds.
We came home around 4:30 for a full afternoon of doctor visits.
At least I know I'm not contagious to the kids unless I run a fever and I wasn't running one today.
That's probably why no one has gotten it from me because some evenings I have got the chills and probably had fever but the kids were always already gone.
 I tried to take a short nap while I waited on chore time but couldn't and this day seems to be going on forever as it always does on this first day of daylight savings time.
I did the evening chores then ate a bowl of soup so I could take my first huge antibiotic 1000ml  pill.
I rested for the evening and then went to bed at 10:00 by the clock but it felt like a late bedtime .
Thankful for the ability of good doctors and for the hidden blessings that I overlooked in this hectic day, I know they were there !!
God Bless and Good Night


1 comment:

linda m said...

So thankful you don't have pneumonia. Just take care of yourself and take it easy. I will pray for a speedy recovery for you. Blessings