She woke up just before hubbie left taking g-son to school and we had breakfast with RL.
I got chores done when hubbie got home and then while he played with the girls I gathered the weekly laundry and got a load started.
IR has learned to drive these riding toys forward and she loves to ride anything. Today she got this little green tractor that was given to g-son when he was her age by a friend of mine and every child that I have cared for over the years has ridden this little tractor.
My cousin Sam came to look at our heat pump to see if it can be fixed this morning. He found the problem quickly as the tank that holds the Freon had rusted and all the Freon had leaked out. He said our system is so old, about 35 years to be exact, that they don't make parts that fit it anymore. He thought he could rig up one of the new tanks and gets us going again. He went to the parts store and came back to see what he could do. Hubbie laughed when he saw the part he brought back as it certainly didn't look like what he had taken out. But after he and hubbie worked getting the tank into position and turned the pump on it fired right up and was blowing really cold air.
The temperature is only in the low 80's today and the girls were complaining about being cold so we turned the heat pump back off and will try it later to make sure it doesn't freeze up again. Sam is my mom's sister' son and is a retired heat and air repairman.
About mid morning we got word that CA was going to be released from the hospital this morning and were very happy to hear that. Finally gets to wear her coming home attire !!
The temperature is only in the low 80's today and the girls were complaining about being cold so we turned the heat pump back off and will try it later to make sure it doesn't freeze up again. Sam is my mom's sister' son and is a retired heat and air repairman.
About mid morning we got word that CA was going to be released from the hospital this morning and were very happy to hear that. Finally gets to wear her coming home attire !!
IR stayed here and played with RL all afternoon while they got settled in at home. These girls have so much fun with each other.
I got laundry all done and then we went by the post office to mail some bills and both girls went to sleep. We took them over to daughter's and met #2 son over there. He and hubbie came over here and got a little Barbie playhouse from the barn that a cousin had given her last fall.
They put it up on their deck and she loved it and played in it all evening while CA slept in the shade.
I cleaned out daughter's frig and washed up all the dishes while I was there.
We came home to get chores done. I moved these 7 Red Sexlink pullets into the back larger hen lot tonight. They are really big and they will be fine with these older calmer hens.
I was really tired again tonight and hit the bed early.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and that CA is home and on the road to recovery.
God Bless and Good Night.
1 comment:
So very grateful to God that CA is finally home and on the road to recovery.
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