Saturday, June 1, 2019


Up early to get chores done and get ready for market. Hubbie is already gone out there to help get set up for our annual spring Old Timey day.
I made it to market about an hour earlier than usual and found plenty of parking spots and no customers.
Our Old Timey day was a complete bust as very few folks came by for a hot dog or to listen to the music we hired. The chairs stayed empty all day even though it was a very nice cooler breezy day.
I did pretty good with my sales so I am thankful for that.
Hubbie and I left there and came home to get a few things done around the farm before heading over to the hospital. Hubbie is spending the night with daughter and CA tonight.
This is a pic of our June 1st garden this year. Even with the dry weather and hot temps the garden is really looking great. These are pano pics of each side of the potatoes. We use all the paper chicken feed bags to keep the weeds from growing between the rows.

We got chores done early and headed to the hospital to stay with CA while daughter and son-in-love went out to dinner with IR and spent a little time with her before son-in-love took her home.
CA looks better tonight but I think she is getting Jaundiced .

 I left the hospital about 10:00 and drove home. I was worried that I wouldn't sleep here by myself but I was so tired I don't even remember my head hitting the pillow.
Praying for CA and daughter who isn't taking any time to heal her body after giving birth just 4 days ago.
God Bless and Good Night

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