Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Up early this morning to check out the flood damage.
Not much can be done until all this water goes down, this is the roadside pasture,er lake!!Definitely fence work will be needed here. Looks like my cousin's corn stalks from several miles up the creek made it all the way to my fence, what a mess !!!Our farm pond has grown quite a bit over night.THis is my favorite photo place in the back pasture,remember all those pretty purple flowers here in October .
We were lucky our road was back open early this morning as many around the county were still under water.
This house slid off the mountain side in another part of the county this morning,luckily no one was in it.
I poured out 5 1/4" of rain from the rain gauge this morning.That's a lot of rain but not as much as some parts around here got. I have heard reports of 10 or more inches in places.
Welcome December,hope this is not a sign of things to come this month !!!The only things moving in our pastures this afternoon was a flock of Mallards who were enjoying the bigger pond. Guess fence repairs will have to wait evidently the ground is so soaked the water is having trouble sinking in and it's just to cold to go wading.
Although when Hubbie came home from work he could get to the back fence enough to get it cleaned off.
I worked outside all morning repairing wash outs and draining water from the dog's lot.
Man it is bitter cold this morning with the wind blowing even with the sun shining. The high temperature today was 35 !! WINTER HAS ARRIVED !!
I had several cakes to bake and some to deliver and in between that I did a little more decorating.This is my old wood cook stove that sits in my dining room. The small tree contains all handmade ornaments and this is most of my snowman collection.These are my clay pot friends, made from pots and hand painted and decorated.

I actually got some of the decorations up in my sunroom and on my front porch but got neither finished.
It has been a busy day to start out a new month which is traditionally a very busy month anyway. My goal is to have all my decorating done by next Monday.
I twisted my hip today and had to stop putting up outdoor lights so Hubbie will have to help finish those.
It's 29 degrees at 11:30 and is supposed to get close to 20 tonight for the coldest night so far and with the wind blowing out there it is frigid. We'll have a giant skating rink in our pastures in the morning!!
Thankful tonight that we were spared any major storm damage and praying for the folks who did.
Good Night and God Bless.


Gail said...

I am glad every one is okay.

People sometimes do not realize the power of water.

Good luck with the clean up.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wooooo Marilyn, Glad there wasn't more damage than there was --after the floods.. Hope all of the roads around you are still okay. We had plenty of rain --but not nearly as much as you all had... Yipes!!!!

Love all of your Christmas decorations. A snowman collection? What a neat idea. I collect angels but haven't thought about collecting snowmen... Great idea....

Got down to 22 here this morning. We are getting ready to leave for Hendersonville (Tennessee that is) to check on G's folks....

Have a wonderful day.

Paula said...

My goodness- I thought we had a lot of water but I think you all beat us! (Unfortunately!)
Glad no one was hurt when the house slid off the mountain- yikes, that's scary.
I love your little wood stove and it's decorations- that is too cute.
Take care of yourself and don't overwork your hip!