Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Up and out extra early this morning to do the chores before taking daughter's jeep to the repair shop for her. Her air conditioning and heater are not working.
Dropped it off and caught a ride home with hubbie on his way from one school to another.
Another gorgeous morning so I'm off in just a t-shirt on my walk again today.
As I walked I noticed that enough leaves have fallen for me to be able to see both son's houses at once. #1 son's up on the hill behind #2 son's is usually hidden in the trees.

I also noticed this huge nest in this tree that has been hidden by the leaves.
Something big built this nest.
It always amazes me at the things the green leaves hide in the trees that are so obvious when the leaves fall off.
I walked a extra round this morning just because it is so nice out here and the weather wizards say these warm temperatures are coming to an end starting tomorrow. Oh well it is almost November,but wait that can't be, it just turned October, where did this month go ??????
On the way back to the house I passed by our Muscadine grape vines and spotted a handful of ripe ones, we have gotten very few grapes this year as a late freeze last spring evidently froze them out. We knew we were pushing the limit on the season here growing these but for a few years we got a bountiful harvest. Until last year and this year we've not gotten even a bowl full.
After icing 6 caramel cakes I had lunch then started housework. I cleaned all the floors and swept the leaves off the porches and patio.
After catching a few rays of vitamin D in the nice, almost hot sunshine I decided to tackle the sunroom windows. Instead of washing windows in the spring time I do it now because we spend more time in here in cooler weather than we do in the warm weather.
There are 10 6x3 foot windows in here plus a double french door,that's a lot of glass!
I got all the inside washed and vacuumed before hubbie got home.
We went to pick up daughter's jeep, the wiring harness was loose and we are hoping that is all that was wrong.It only cost her $60.
When we got back he helped me remove all the screens and he washed them while I washed and vacuumed the windows and sills. You don't realize how dirty these windows are until you pull the screens off. We barely beat darkness to finish the job,whew!!!
I did the evening chores while daughter fixed us some supper and this beautiful sunset had to be photographed.
With my back telling me I had overworked it today I took a break and watched Survivor on TV tonight before tackling the weekly paperwork.
Since hubbie only gets paid at the end of each month sometimes near the end of the month I feel like a juggler. But thanks to the graciousness of God it always works out.
I iced chocolate and coconut cakes tonight after daughter finished her baking.
Thankful tonight for the graciousness of a loving Lord.
Good Night and God Bless.


Gail said...

You are so blessed! Family close, helpful hubby, beautiful weather and much accomplished. I would love a day like that.

NCmountainwoman said...

The one chore I don't mind is washing windows. I just love sitting back when the job is done and admiring the clear view.

Looks like we are headed for a dramatic change in the weather. Too bad, for I have really enjoyed these warm and beautiful sunny days.

Susie Swanson said...

What beautiful weather to wash the windows. I love cleaning them too. Mine relly needed them this year, but now we can sit back and look out at the winter wonderland, as it will be here before we know it. I'm kinda dreading it..Susie