Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I could tell by the way I felt this morning that I wouldn't get as much done today as yesterday. I'll be so glad when I get back to normal feeling and can stop blowing my nose and when this incessant cough is gone.
After chores and breakfast I did manage 30 minutes of exercise but no walking today in the dreary mist that is falling outside. I was hoping for some measurable rainfall but all we are getting is a miserable damp day so far.
I went over to g-son's school for grandparent book fair day and had lunch with him along with several of the other kids g-mas. It was fun and then we went to the book fair and he picked out several things. Here he is on the way back to his classroom happy with his purchases.

He is so big and independent now,as I left him with his class and walked back down the hall I saw this picture hanging on the wall outside his classroom door among all his classmates. 
It says "First day  kindergarten  August  2012"  wow has it really already been almost 4 months since this day ???
G-son has learned so much in that short time and I am so proud of him.
Back home I got a few more Christmas decorations up before I spent almost an hour looking for my lost glasses. I never randomly lay my glasses around so it was like they had "up and disappeared" !
I finally located them where they had slid off the phone book I had layed them on ,whew, was I ever relieved to find those things !!!
G-son was in a good mood when I picked him up and had fun playing with his book fair purchases when we got home.
After his dad picked him up I did chores and started icing my cakes. I wanted to get most of them done before Survivor came on TV at 8:00.  Even getting this early start I had to work hard and late to get all the icing done and the weekly paperwork done to get into bed before midnight.
Today was a special day for d-in-love's brother and his wife as they welcomed their first baby girl who decided to make a week early appearance into the world this afternoon.
Here is the happy little family of three.
And of course d-in-love who is now Aunt A  had to put one of the first loves on the new little one.
Congratulations to the new parents ,may you always feel the wonderful and miraculous love of  this baby as she grows into a young lady.

Thanking God tonight for the miracles he provides in us and for us each day.
Good Night and God Bless.

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