Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Pickens flea market day !! G-son arrived at 7am and after hurrying through morning chores daughter came over and we were on the road.
As we drove down the mountain into South Carolina I was surprised to see the trees still pretty much looking like winter,without buds or green anywhere to be found.
The market was surprisingly not so crowded this year. Maybe the low 40's temperatures had something to do with that.

We all had heavy coats on and I was wishing I had some gloves after my hands got really cold pulling my metal handled cart.
G-son as always was an intent shopper.

He found several great deals (to him anyway), one being this motorcycle that he drove all around in the dirt.

Live animals always draw him to them.This was the largest rabbit I have ever seen,it looked miserable in  that small cage,bless his little rabbit heart !

G-son's wide eyed shopping look got him one really great deal on an antique pull toy dog. As he pulled it through the dirt he accidentally broke some of the plastic on one of its feet. Hubbie picked it up and carried it and another vendor saw it and said it was worth about $25 even with the broken feet. We paid $3 for it.
If you take time to look around you can see some pretty strange sites at a flea market and these were a couple of the calm ones,haha !!!

As lunchtime rolled around all the vendors were packing up and leaving the place empty as we walked back to our van.

We always use this adjacent parking lot and cross this foot bridge to get into the market. Everyone's laughing because hubbie is jumping up and down to try to scare me.

It is a big creek below!

A late lunch time stop at the McDonalds in Pickens is always a favorite with g-son. He is always ready to eat all his food to get to the playground. It didn't take much coaxing to get him to eat this strawberry pie.

And he's off to play.

After he wore himself out we headed up the road home getting here about 3:00.
I was pleased with my finds at the market this trip. To keep this post from being so picture laden I will post pics of them tomorrow.
After daughter took her treasures and went home and #1 son picked up g-son hubbie and I headed for the garden. Finally we got it plowed,although it was still pretty wet the rains coming tonight and tomorrow should soften it up.

I felt of the turned earth and was surprised to find it not extremely cold even with the cold temperatures of late.

I needed to get some baking and icing done for the first Thursday market day tomorrow so that's how I spent my evening until about 11:00.
This has been a wonderful blessings filled day and I am humbly grateful to God tonight for His protecting arms as we traveled.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You had better weather than we did. It was cold (39 as a high I think) --and it rained here all day long... Heard that some areas in VA had snow... Crazy weather.

Glad you found some good treasures at the market... I remember when you all went there last year...

Have a great Friday.