Tuesday, April 16, 2013


As g-son and I headed for school this morning the sun was trying to win the battle with the clouds.
I spent a regular laundry and housecleaning Tuesday morning. By lunch time I had both finished and the sun had mostly won the battle with the clouds so it was outside time for me.
I took a nice walk then soaked up some vitamin D for a few minutes before time to pick up g-son from school.
After he ate we went outside to swing for the first time this season. Today was soccer practice so his dad picked him up and they were off to Jackson Park.
I sewed some until hubbie got home making these three towel aprons.
I was going up to to the chores when I got a phone call from #1 son saying he was on his way to Mission Hospital with g-son who he thought had broken his arm.
After soccer practice was over he was playing on the playground and fell off one of the climbing towers. He landed on his arm and son said his elbow was displaced and he couldn't use his arm.

Hubbie and I sat outside after supper and drank coffee in this nice warm evening. Signs of spring's new growth is very evident now as this Box Elder Maple tree in the front yard is starting to put on it's "hula skirt" blooms.
This little lone violet sneaks up between the walkway stones.
As I look out through the trees I wonder if this is a squirrel or hawks nest.
It will be quickly hidden by the leaves on the surrounding trees so I will just have to keep wondering.
Sis-in-law called and found me some "on sale" eggs so hubbie rode with me over to her house to pick them up. She was gone to the movies with her sister and cousin since her hubbie is working second shift for a few weeks.
Well it is 11:00 and the last I heard from g-son was that they were waiting on more x-rays before they would know for sure if the elbow was dislocated or broken.
I am going to soak in a hot tub for awhile then to bed.
Praying that g-son will be okay and that his pain will be minimal whatever the outcome.
Good Night and God Bless.


linda m said...

I will say a prayer for g-son. Blessings

Unknown said...

Thinking of your g.son and hoping it wasnt broken, however, sometimes a break is easier to fix and get over easier than dislocated, etc. Spring is definitely there and love seeing your pictures.

NCmountainwoman said...

Hope grandson is all right and not in too much pain.