Sunday, October 18, 2015


Not as cold as predicted with only 37 degrees  when we got up. Hubbie went to church early to get things set up for Sunday school as daughter is on her way back from  Winston Salem with Josh this morning after spending the night with Josh's brother after the game last night.  #1 son is going to help hubbie in the class this morning.
Church was good from Philippians 3:10-16.  About moving forward and not dwelling in the past.
Lunch was a smoked pork butt from the freezer with potatoes,corn, baked beans, cole slaw, glazed carrots with caramel birthday cake and ice cream for dessert.
Everyone made it to lunch except Aa who was in the hay field.
G-son was impatient to have his cake and ice cream so he burned off some restless energy outside climbing in his favorite "treehouse" tree while everyone finished eating lunch.

 G-son picked out some decorations for his cake at Walmart the other night and wanted to get as many on his cake as he could.

He moved so fast blowing out the candle I got a blurry pic.
These two were into the celebration !! .
Everyone enjoyed the cake and ice cream.

Then he got to open a couple extra presents from his aunt and uncles. An I-tunes gift card that he asked for and a helmet and knee pads for when he rides his skate board.

#2 and #1 son worked on #2 son's old truck he bought, d-in-love , daughter and Josh watched football on TV waiting on the sun to get lower in the sky so they could have a couples photo session and hubbie and I went over to the neighbor's tomato field to glean some tomatoes after their harvesting is done. It is predicted to freeze tonight so this will be the last day to harvest some of them.
We gathered these four boxes in about an hour as the vines are still really loaded with tomatoes. We found some that were ripe along with the green ones to keep for later. I always think this is such a shame  when the first freeze  comes and melts all the ripening produce left in the fields.But there is only so many things I can use.
That's alot of tomatoes, Josh took one box for his family and we gave all the kids some and my brother a big bag. We will spread the rest out in box lids in the basement and eat on them as they ripen.
G-son stayed with hubbie and I while d-in-love went to photograph daughter and Josh up at Grand Highlands where their wedding is going to be. The pics were really good.
It has gotten really cool tonight with the setting of the sun and according to which weather predictor you believe the temp tonight could be anywhere from 28 to 32 but no one is keeping it above freezing. With the thermometer at 44 at  10:45 tonight my guess is around 32-33. Only time will tell !
As I write this blog post tonight I am thankful for the opportunity to get extra fresh produce to enjoy through at least a few more weeks.
This Sunday has been a busy day for all of the family and we pray for forgiveness and grace from a loving gracious Lord.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

linda m said...

That is a lot of extra produce. I can see another big "canning day" in the future. Belayed Happy Birthday to G-son. Blessings