Sunday, October 25, 2015


Today is "pink-out" day at church as we raise breast cancer awareness.

 As I drive to church this morning I am struck with the beauty of the leaves in our area this year. It is no wonder that our roads are jammed with tourist gazing at the Fall scenery.

Our church this morning.

This is one of the prettier leaf seasons I have seen with all of the colors getting into the picture at the same time.
Hubbie and I served our quarterly nursery duty this morning. We had an extra easy time as we only had one little boy.
At lunch we had #1 son's family to help eat the roast beef, boiled potatoes, corn, greens and crock pot broccoli casserole I made that turned out great and was sooo easy.

Daughter came by and took lunch for her and Josh as they were going to spend the afternoon doing yardwork that has gotten so behind with her volleyball schedule.
After lunch g-son opted to stay with us while his mom and dad went over to the outlets to get some on sale kids clothes.
I spent the afternoon getting out my Halloween decor. I mostly keep all the decorations in the back yard and in the sunroom as this is where all the trick or treaters will come to if we have any.

 I had forgotten about this "pinterest" idea from last year that I made.
Outside decorations will be lit up on Halloween night. Plus a couple lighted Jack-o-lanterns.

I took g-son to church for kids choir practice at 6:00 and then did the chores.
As I walked around the yard this evening I noticed there are some new blooms that have been fooled by the cold then warmer weather.
This Almond bush has some pink and some white blossoms on it.

The Forsythia has lots of blooms.
And I am still impressed with these trailing Geraniums that are still blooming even after the cold temps.
A very peaceful restful Sunday as we get ready for about 3 nasty, cold , windy days to start this last week of October according to the weather forecasters.
Today has been solidly clouded in with low 70's temps but the feeling of moisture is definitely in the air.
Thankful to God for a wonderful church family and the blessings of this day.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

linda m said...

Your Fall colors are so pretty. And I love all your decorations inside and out. And flowers blooming in the cold weather is fantastic. Blessings