Friday, March 11, 2016


G-daughter was totally off schedule this morning. She did not want to drink her bottle and did not want to have anything to do with a nap this morning.
She played in her entertainment saucer happily while I did chores and had breakfast.
I took her in my office to watch me sew up this item for today. I think this might be my favorite jean apron of all time. I love this strawberry trim that I gathered to go on it. I would keep it but have no idea where I would ever use it.
We went to the kitchen after sewing and g-daughter sat in her high chair and played while I baked 3 caramel, 3 chocolate, 2 pound cakes, 1 earthquake cake to sell in pieces and a pan of "oreo" fudge.
Hubbie took 1/2 day off work today to rest his knee that has been causing him alot of pain, especially at night when it wakes him up if he gets in certain positions.
After a late lunch for g-daughter and I with me having the last Acorn squash from last summers garden baked while my cakes were in the ovens, yum yum !!

We all headed outside in this beautiful 76 degree day, yes I said 76 degrees !!!  Crazy temps for early March !!
After walking around pushing g-daughter a while in the stroller I decided to tackle cleaning up my blackberry patch. It looks pretty bad even with a bird's nest in the middle of it !!
 G-daughter thought it was very entertaining to watch me fight with all the long dead blackberry canes to get them out of the patch  !!
She fell asleep before I got the job finished . I had quite a pile of old brambles when I finished.
But the patch looks really good and ready for this years crop of berries.
Hubbie has already cleared and pruned all our grape vines.

D-in-love brought g-son here right after school and went home to get ready to go to a womens Christian conference in Asheville with daughter and about 25 more of the women from our church.
G-son and I played ball outside while g-daughter finished her nap.
When we came to the house he loaded his ball and bat in the stroller with g-daughter , he said "she wanted to carry it" ?????  Have a feeling this is only the beginning of life for g-daughter !!!
 We all had supper and then hubbie and I took turns doing our chores and staying inside with g-daughter while g-son ate everything that wasn't nailed down, 2 bowls of mac and cheese, mozzerella sticks, cookies, bacon, and I probably missed something !!
He begged me to go back outside and play some more so that is how we spent the rest of the daylight hours today.
#1 son had to work late so when he got here g-daughter was taking another nap so we visited while she slept and then they all went home to wait for mom to get home around 9:30.
I iced and cut up all the cakes I made today and got things ready for market while hubbie washed all the eggs and got them in cartons.
While I worked I watched UNC  beat Notre Dame in the semi finals of the ACC tournament.
Thankful for a wonderful blessed day as I look at these grandkids tonight and thought how fortunate I am to be a big part of their lives and watch them grow up.
God Bless and Good Night.

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