Wednesday, March 30, 2016


A very early alarm this morning jarred me out of the short sleep that I got when my head stopped up and my throat started hurting after I went to bed last night. I probably didn't go to sleep until close to 2am and the wake up call sounded at 6am this morning. This is our spring trip to the Picken's Flea market and since daughter is looking for several things for her wedding we were on our way early.
After early chores with the chickens and dogs looking at us like we had 2 heads at this time of morning hubbie and I were on our way to pick up daughter and g-son (who spent the night with his aunt T).
We were on our way to Pickens by 7:15 as the sun rose over this cool 37 degree morning.
The flea market was getting really crowded when we got there but there were lots of sellers today.
We made our way around trying to scan over as many tables as we could.  It was a cold start this morning even this far south our coats and hoods felt good for  awhile.
G-son loves to bargain hunt and warmed up fast to all the things on the tables that looked interesting to him.
D-in-love and Re and all the kids made it down to the market a couple hours later and they quickly found bargains and began loading their vehicles.
This was g-daughter's first flea market trip and she enjoyed it very much.
 Daughter found several of the things she went looking for and we were loaded down with old buckets, mirrors, cups , a rocking chair and lots of other goodies.
G-son found lots to do while we shopped !!
We headed back to the cars about noon as all the sellers started packing up their goods and getting out of the sun and dust.
This is the back of just our SUV and both girls had thier's packed full also for a successful flea market trip.
We stopped at Arby's where we always eat lunch and then met d-in-love up the road and she followed us over to Columbus, NC where hubbie and daughter had teeth cleaning appointments with their dentist starting at 3:00.
While they were in the dentist office d-in-love and I and the kids went thrift store shopping then stopped at this old school play ground to let g-son play with some of his flea market purchases.

He is flying a helicopter in this pic in front of the old school. Look at that beautiful blue sky !!
There was a slide and monkey bars on the playground.
G-daughter just enjoyed the warm sunshine and being outside !!!
This was a beautiful place.
Hubbie and daughter came to find us after they were finished and we headed home. We dropped daughter off and unloaded all her goodies.
When we got home the dogs were very glad to see us and get their supper. We unloaded the few things we bought and then did the chores.
Supper was a protein bar and hot tea tonight.
As I look at the news and weather it is clearly spring time. With tornado warnings , flood warnings and thunderstorm forecast I am thankful for today's sunshine because it looks like tomorrow might be a different story.

I am very tired and sore tonight with my last two days of walking and shopping quickly catching up with me I am looking forward to that heating pad and bed tonight for sure !!!
Thanking God once again for safe travel today for all the family and for all the other blessings along the way that I always silently say thankful prayers for as I go.
God Bless and Good Night.


1 comment:

linda m said...

What a fun day! I haven't been to a Flea Market in years. You also picked a beautiful place to stop and wait for your hubby and daughter. We had rain her yesterday and today also. Blessings