Monday, October 17, 2016


It is a busy time around here this Monday morning !!!
 BB likes to carry all the toys from the playroom to the kitchen !
Hubbie and I took turns getting things done this morning and watching these three play. They all didn't feel well and there were many times a referee was needed today !!!!
Thankful for these entertaining balloons left from yesterday.
Pawpaw and his girls !!!  EL was not thrilled that g-daughter was touching her !!!!!  It was that kind of  morning !!!!
I got the laundry done this morning and then fixed the kids a pizza that Re brought over for lunch which they loved.
After we ate BB and EL went home for naps and g-daughter continued to do all the things see had watched BB and EL do earlier !
She soon went down for a nap also and while I finished the laundry hubbie went to the garden to begin digging more of our potatoes.
After d-in-love pick g-daughter up I went to the garden and helped hubbie finish the job. We did not have a good crop this year with the severely dry and severely wet times but we are thankful for the almost 3 buckets  we got and also the 3/4 bucket of sweet potatoes. There was also a basket of left over red potatoes that we aren't sure will be okay since these are supposed to be dug early in the season.
I did chores and then did my sewing project for the day . This little yellow flowered baby bonnet.
D-in-love sent me this pic of g-daughter's pig tails tonight that make her look so grown up !!
Thankful for a blessing filled day with all these little blessings.
God Bless and Good Night.

1 comment:

linda m said...

Can't believe you are still getting produce from your garden. Love the bucket full of sweet potatoes. Gotta love g-daughter's pigtails. Blessings