Saturday, April 29, 2017


 Woke to an already almost hot morning, the temps today are predicted to reach the mid 80's for the warmest of the year so far and it feels like it will certainly make it .
I noticed mY little red Silkie setting hen was off the nest this morning checking out her new surroundings so we'll see what she decides to do. If she decides she wants to continue setting or has given up the idea she will be be put back out into the lot and I will leave some eggs in a nest to try and intice a new setter.
We made it to market a little early today and got set up before any customers came in. Surprisingly with the beautiful day market was still very slow. I am thankful for the one order I had for the 3 cakes.
Hubbie went by a farm outlet and picked up some fresh beans,corn and potatoes for tomorrow's lunch.
Re is cooking a turkey so we will have "Thanksgiving" in April.
I can't believe there is only one more day left in April, where does the time go ????
I waited for the lady to pick up her cake order then headed out early to get home , get unloaded and get to the baby shower that Josh's family is giving them for the baby.
It was at the Cane Creek community center and most of Josh's family attended.
The guess her belly size game !!!
They asked for little books with written messages in the them instead of cards and this is the Peter Rabbit pop up book by Beatrice Potter that I gave them. I love these books !!
They got  a lot of nice gifts today.
And Josh even got a gift all for himself of this mask and some nose plugs among other  fun stuff for the new daddy !!
It was a fun time had by all.
I left there and came home hoping the cloudy sky wouldn't bring any rain this evening so we could get some planting done in the garden.
We planted green beans , squash and cucumbers today. Thankfully we didn't get rain but the dark clouds sure looked like they could drop rain any minute.
G-daughter enjoyed this 84 degree day with her water play table !!!
After chores we cleaned the kitchen counters off and put out some ant prevent since we saw some tiny ants this morning paying us their spring visit.
Thankful for a blessed day and looking forward to worshiping Him tomorrow.
God Bless and Good Night.

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