Monday, April 20, 2020


Another week and this Monday morning began with 3/4 inch of rain early.
After the rainy start it turned out to be a beautiful day but really cool and windy. After chores we had breakfast then I started on weekly laundry while hubbie headed outside to start on the new deck on the back of the covered patio.
By the time I got around to checking out the progress he had it framed in.

Daughter and d-in-love met here with all the kids to have lunch.  After we all ate g-son got out the virtual video game system and RL finally got her turn with her mom holding her to see what it was like.

She was soon done with the game as it is hard to know what is happening if you can't read the instructions.
I had some paper shredding to finish and these girls loved helping with that chore.
We finished that job and they tired to play outside on the swings but it was just too cold and windy for that so they played inside.
After they all left I helped hubbie work more on the new deck and then we did chores.
The evening was beautiful and I love the sunset reflecting off these clouds.

I noticed the two toned purple Iris are really blooming first this year.
D-in-love Tif sent this picture of the view out their front door. #2 son and her have such a beautiful place.
Hubbie and I relaxed for the evening after a busy day.
Re isn't feeling well at all today so we are all saying a special prayer for her. She is a nurse and is one of the front line workers during this pandemic time.
Thankful for the blessing of this day and for the health we are blessed with.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

I will say a prayer for Re. Love the sunset pictures; so wish I didn't live in the city. I am so tired of all the noise and congestion. Love the picture os your Iris. Blessings and stay healthy.