Saturday, April 18, 2020


Up to a busy Saturday. We got chores done then uncovered all the raised beds and giving them a fertilizer drink. After a sprinkle of rain which left 2/10ths inch in the gauge early this morning it looks like the sun is winning the battle for the day.

We had breakfast then hubbie worked on fixing a corner board on the lower side of the house. He was pretty high on a ladder and I was uncomfortable with that but thankfully he got it fixed and got down without falling.
I spent the morning doing some house cleaning while he was outside.
We had  lunch then we headed up to the chicken houses for an afternoon of cleaning all the houses out and de-winterizing them and spraying them with insecticide to get rid of any over wintering unwanted pest. I have been noticing some mites so hopefully this clean up and treating will get rid of them.
We put the new compost bin hubbie finished building this morning to good work with all the manure from the houses mixed with leaves and pine needles.
Both of us were sore and tired from all the shoveling and lifting of the day. We also put up the netting back over the silkie lot so we can move them out of the green house later tonight.
After light supper #1 son's family came up to roast some marshmallows and enjoy a warm fire on this cool evening.

Over at daughter's house they were doing the same thing with Ben and his family.

It was a perfect way to end a very busy day and we are so very thankful for family and the ability to share our lives with them.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and praying for the victims of the covid -19 virus that continues to increase in victims.
God Bless and Good Night

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