Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Had an earlier wake up time today to get chores done and have breakfast before heading to my dermatology appointment for my annual skin check. I have 4 places that I suspect he will want to take off and send in to see it they are cancerous.
We are just taking hubbie's truck so we can do all our errand while we are out. The doctor has a new protocol that we call from our vehicles when we arrive and they come get us when it is time to go into the exam room. No one site in the waiting room anymore.
I got right in and I was right about 2 of the spots , one on the back of each leg. He was pretty sure it was squamous cell cancer kicking up from my Bowens disease again.
They were big hot pink splotches that were raised and as big as 2 fingernails beside one another.
Anyway I came out with 2 stinging legs !!
We went from there to the dump, then  went to pick up produce at the Johnson's produce stand , then to the post office to mail bills and our last stop was at our insurance office to pay our auto policy. Good news from there today as they told me we would get a 20% refund for the months of April and May due to the stay at home order and not driving hardly at all.
We came home to meet everyone here for lunch.
After lunch the girls and I went out in the back yard to play while their mom's worked on school work.
I love watching these two play together and the interaction they have with each other.

After we played for a little while we headed over to Berkley park to walk to trail again this week.
On the way over there fortunately d-in-love was driving between hubbie and I in his truck and daughter and son-in-love and daughter and son-in-love saw something pouring from underneath her suv.
They called us and we all stopped at a local school on the way to the trail. 
Steam boiled out from under her hood as soon as she pulled up beside our truck and we knew immediately that it was a radiator problem.
Her temperature gauge was just getting into the hot range so thankfully we got stopped before damage was done from overheating.
We left her car there and rearranged into hubbie's truck and daughter's van.
We went on to the park and had a good walk.  RL got a chance to practice on her new tricycle.

 This didn't look very comfortable for IR and she didn't like it as well as she thought she would.
 CA got her first ride in the pushable tricycle and she loved it.

 G-son always keeps a close eye on all the girls.
We all struggled with the warm sunshine today and were all sweaty when we finished our walk.
D-in-love and her kids rode home with us and we stopped by to check on her car and a huge circle of antifreeze had ran out onto the parking lot and hubbie couldn't see anything in her radiator so we came home to wait for #1 son to get home from work to take water back over to bring it home.
Hubbie and I got a short rest before chore time.
The evening has clouded up as the front that is bringing the heavy rain and possibly strong storms to our area tonight and tomorrow gets closer.
After chores hubbie went with #1 son to pick up d-in-love's SUV and they got it home with it steaming but still not getting really hot on the temperature gauge.
A hose broke off a section that will have to be ordered. Thankfully they have an extra vehicle .
Hubbie and I watched Survivor on TV and relaxed for the evening.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and for the place we live that we are able to get outside and have plenty of room to avoid other people.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

So glad D-in-love's van wasn't anything worse. Looks like everyone had a good time on the tril. Blessings