Friday, April 17, 2020


Well they missed the temperature forecast for early this morning as I have feared they might, instead of mid to upper 30's which were predicted it was 30 degrees at 7:00 with a heavy frost. This was a pic from one of our neighbor's apple orchards.
I got chores done then hubbie came out and helped me remove the soaking wet from the frost blanket covers on the raised beds and get them hung up to dry .
We came inside and had breakfast then we cleaned house for the rest of the morning.
Daughter and d-in-love and all the kids came up at lunchtime to have lunch here while daughter went out to her classroom and made copies of work for her students for next week.
She brought back a borrowed virtual game and g-son fell in love with it and already announced to all of us that he wants one for Christmas.

 D-in-love had to try it also.
The little girls played outside for a little while but the mid 60's sunshine was really cooled off by the strong wind that blew all day.
RL found a new friend and playmate, this frog was surely surprised by all her attenttion.

Hubbie and I rested and watched the early news before we headed outside to get some extra things done before tonight's predicted rainfall.
Hubbie started making a new composting pit for my chicken house cleanouts mixed with leaves and pine needles to add more nutrients to my raised beds.
I checked out all the suspect spots to hopefully find some more guinea eggs but had no luck.
We got chores done then put away all the blanket coverings and took off the glass doors that we had left on the beds for more warmth on this cool day.
We moved the chicken tractor to some new grass and then I took a quick walk to get some extra exercise.
We came inside and had a couple steaks for supper with some fried potatoes and fresh green onions.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and praying for the end of the dreaded covid virus that is  ravaging out country right now.
God Bless and Good Night

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