Saturday, April 11, 2020


Up early to get this busy day started. We got chores done and then took all the blankets off the raised beds and thanked the Lord once again for the mid 30's temps of the early morning and no frost.
We lifted the glass doors and left them on to create more heat today as the temps are only supposed to get into the md 60's.

It is such a beautiful day and the sky has a dark blue hue almost like the blue of the fall season today.
After chores hubbie and I grabbed a quick breakfast. G-son came up to help get all the Easter eggs we stuffed yesterday hidden before all the kids get here.
We decided to have our Easter egg hunt today since tomorrow is suppose to be a complete rain out.
The kids all got here about 11:00 and I told them they couldn't hunt eggs until I had a picture and they all had to smile !!!  They did great !!

Off they went in a flurry to fill their buckets with goodie filled eggs.

After they emptied all their eggs we all had hotdogs and hamburgers with chips and baked beans for lunch. We thought we had cooked too much at 16 hotdogs and 8 hamburgers but there was only 1 of each left so that meant everyone worked up a good appetite.
After we ate the kids had fun playing and swinging.

It was so good to see all the smiles and listen to all the laughter amid all the sadness and anxiety in the world right now.
At least for a few hours everyone seemed to be carefree and just enjoying the moment on this Saturday before Easter Sunday.
After everyone left hubbie and I cleaned up and then hubbie got on the roof to blow all the tree blossoms out of the gutters and I took a shovel and went down the driveway to open all the ditches so we could be ready for the heavy rains that are predicted for tomorrow night.
We moved the chicken tractor out from under the power lines and away from the woods where there are several large top heavy pine trees.
We also put all the blankets back in the basement and moved several potted plants back outside so they can get a good drink of rain. We also removed the glass door covers from the raised beds so they could get the drink of rain water predicted to start falling in the morning.
I noticed this asparagus springing up in the two beds hubbie had planted several years ago, so this is the first vegetables from our gardens for us this season.

We took a break and sat out in the covered patio admiring all the dogwood blooms in the woods in front of the house.

We got chores done this evening and then settled in for a restful evening.
On this kind of in between day the world awaits.
But thankfully we didn't have to wait long !!!!
Praying so hard this evening in thankfulness that our wonderful Lord was willing to sacrifice His only son so that all us sinners could have everlasting life in the forgiving arms of Jesus Christ our gracious Savior and that we are able to call Him our own personal Savior.
God Bless , Good Night and Happy Easter     HE  WILL  RISE  

1 comment:

linda m said...

Happy Easter! He Is Risen! Hallelujah!!