Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Well it's another sun and clouds fight for the sky this morning as at sunrise it looked like the beginning of a really nice sunny day.

But a couple hours later the dark clouds moved in with the promise of rain but no rain ever came from these clouds.
This was one of those typically boring days that started out with chores and watering my raised vegetable beds.
I had breakfast then wondered what the day would bring.
Daughter called and said they needed more mulch so they brought the girls over here and her and son-in-love took hubbie's truck back to Lowes to get another 20 bags while the sale is still on.
CA napped while IR played. Daughter picked up lunches at school on her way home. 
D-in-love, g-son and RL came up to have lunch with us also.
IR and RL played outside on the swings for a while after we ate.
Then they all went home to get naps.
Hubbie and I sat outside and litterly watched the world go by for a long time this afternoon.
We got chores done and then I tried to get a picture of the full "pink" moon . With the clouds still filling the sky I had to get shots when I could but you can see the "pink" glow around the moon even through the trees.

Later I went outside to get a clearer picture after the clouds had lifted a bit but the pink glow was gone.

With the still rising spread of the Covid -19  virus this week is expected to be really bad with lots of sickness and death and when I saw this on the Instagram I thought how true this is !!!
All our family is staying close to home and when anyone does go out they wear mask and use lots of hand sanitizer.
Thankfully our county is still holding at 50 cases after the added 23 cases at the retirement home were added over the weekend.
 But statewide the cases are increasing and the death tole is growing rapidly.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and praying that the Holy Week reminds us how no matter how bad things may get God can turn them in to wonderful outcomes.
God Bless and Good Night

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