Wednesday, April 15, 2020


UP to get chores done and then make a trip to the PO to mail bills and a stop at the gas station to fill up the Honda. Gas at  $1.64 per gallon was crazy but with many people staying home the demand for gas is at record lows.
We came back home to meet daughter and the girls and d-in-love and her kids for lunch.
I made a pot of potato and ham soup which was very good on a cool day such as today.
The girls wanted to go outside and play after watching a movie for a little while.
This girl loves this little beagle puppy so much and he looks like he likes the attention.

And this girl loves to ride on and drive anything with wheels on it.

They played in the cool afternoon until the wind picked up and ran us all inside.
We played inside while daughter went to pick up our Walmart grocery order. I'm glad they have started back with their curbside grocery service.
When she got back hubbie and I got our groceries put away then washed everything we had touched and washed our hands very good .
Most of the things we ordered we won't touch for a couple days just to be sure there are no covid 19 germs lurking on them.
We also got a delivery from a local farm of some fresh vegetables but were disappointed with the amount we got.
After the girls left with the kids I walked around the farm trying to get back into the habit of doing some walking exercise every afternoon.
I noticed that the old climbing rose we have transplanted multiple times has the first Rose bloom of the season.

More of the Azeleas are showing off right now especially this purple one at the corner of the front porch that looks like a cloud of blooms.

The smell of Lilacs in the back yard is faint this year with the few blooms on the old Lilac bush but the fragrance is so nice.
The first Iris is getting ready to pop open.
And these old time Snowballs are getting ready to show off their white snowballs.
Enjoying all this spring beauty is a reminder of the constant love of Jesus Christ who created all this beauty just for our eyes to enjoy. He is the only real constant right now in our lives but He is always there and His creations will always remind me of His love for me.
After chores and supper we watched Survivor on TV then relaxed for the evening.
Thankful for the knowledge that God is in control and His love is always constant.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

I love seeing all the flowers that are blooming in your yard. We have some here but with the cooler weather a lot haven't started to bloom yet. Glad you are all staying healthy. Blessings