Tuesday, April 28, 2020


A beautiful morning to wake up to and admire all the springtime beauty around the yard.

This old fashioned Snowball bush is loaded with snowballs this year.

My herbs are starting to bloom as this Sage and Chives put on their edible blossoms.

My old climbing Rose that we planted out of the pot it has been recovering in for a couple years is showing it's appreciation with a load of sweet smelling rose blossoms.

Right outside my back door these huge Iris have started blooming.

After clouds moved in about mid morning we watched the midday news cast to see what the afternoon was bringing. Thankfully the clouds passed over without any rain fall today and the sunshine returned by the time we finished our lunch.
I carrried all the plants out into the sunshine to help them get accustomed to the direct sunlight before transplanting them into the garden. The plan was to get that done today but after the 33 degree morning today and more cooler mornings later this week we changed that plan and will transplant them next week.
We are still going to plant garden seeds today as they won't come up until all the cool mornings are over.
We got started planting green beans, cucumbers, squash, okra, dried beans and some cabbage plants .
I  had some very good help show up and I patiently let them help place seeds in the rows.

I think it is very important for young folks to know early where their food comes from and have the knowledge to raise their own food.
After we finished the gardening their was time for some baby chick petting and all three of the girls were interested in the soft fuzzy little critter.
RL is a "chicken whisperer" and always has loved everything chicken since she was very small.

IR has never really liked being around chicks and was afraid of them when she was little. She finally warmed up today and talked about how soft and cute the little chick was with some encouragement.

CA wasn't sure what to think about her first chick experience but was very curious.

 I love being able to introduce all of my grandkids to the wonders of nature.

These 2girls have such a special relationship and I pray that they always are best friends. I call them "sister cousins".

After they all left hubbie and I got chores done and picked another bundle of asparagus from our patch.
I smiled as I entered the front door and saw these dirty handprints on the door glass.

Couldn't let this day go by without saying happy 11 month birthday to this little sweety CA is such a happy , curious baby and is a joy to watch grow.

Thankful for another blessing filled day.
God Bless and Good Night

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