Saturday, June 26, 2010


Today almost felt like a normal day just for a while though. Hubbie followed me to market and helped me unload and set up,we got really busy and it took both of us selling for a little while. Then he watched the table while I purchased corn and beans from the neighbors.
Then he said "okay I'm leaving and heading on over to the hospital in a little while", then it all came flooding back.
Market was okay and I ran errands on the way home,unloaded the van as hubbie came in from the hospital and helped. We had some fresh corn,green beans,squash and potatoes to go with grilled chicken breast for supper. This is the first real meal we've sat down to in 2 weeks I think.
Son called and wanted a few things from the store on my way there.
He was sleeping in and out the whole time I was there and then he started to chill. I knew this was a bad sign and sure enough when they took his fever it was 103.7 .uhhhhhh. This nightmare is not nearly over. I have been afraid all along that he would get an infection.
Things just seem not quite right to me for some reason.Call it a mother's intuition or what ever but something's just not right with this. All I do is pray for God's intervention right now more than ever.
I am home it is 10:30,hubbie is with him now and will stay until they get hold of the doctor.
More than ever tonight I pray for God's healing hand.
Good Night and God bless.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

This post almost made me cry, Marilyn... I know, as a Mama, that you are hurting so much for your son. I am so very very sorry. I hope that they can get the fever and infection under control quickly. Keep me posted.

Hugs and PRAYERS,

NCmountainwoman said...

And I am still praying as well.

Gail said...

We must all agree we see your son in perfect health and God will make it real.
