Monday, December 17, 2012


Didn't sleep well last night,I kept seeing the faces of all those children who were shot to death Friday.
And with the thought of taking g-son back to school this morning for the first time since then I did a lot of thrashing around for most of the night.
Hubbie took him to school this morning while I did chores and had breakfast so I could go to school for my day to volunteer to help with the Christmas ornaments they were making today.
When hubbie got back he said neither of his teachers were there and the substitute didn't know what was going on with anything. He had walked in with g-son to take cookies and she asked him what they were for.
I went on over to help but when I got there the entire class was in the next room watching a movie. I talked with the substitute teacher and offered to help in any way I could but she said she was sending them to different other classes and not doing any crafts so I came home.
Hubbie was doing some fence repair but just as I got here it started to rain and he had to come inside.
After we ate lunch we headed over to Arden to pick up a Christmas gift I have been working on. On the way there daughter called and told us about a 5th grade boy in the school she used to work at that wasn't going to get anything for Christmas as he lived with an elderly grandfather. His teacher had asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he said he only wanted clothes.
Since we were close to the Old Navy store we went shopping there for him. He had been given a coat last year by a friend of daughters but he was outgrowing it so we found a great deal on a nice new coat. We also got him 2 lighter jackets, several shirts and pants and a pair of PJs. I was impressed with the deals on all the clothes and also at the young man who helped us with sizes and checked us out as I told him what I was doing. He gave me all kinds of discounts as I ckecked out and wound up saving me about $60 at check-out.
We picked g-son up from school and went to Sam's Club for some groceries. He ate a piece of their pizza for his after school snack.
His dad came in right behind us to pick him up and helped unload the van before he left.
The rain has slacked off this evening thankfully but the mud is still plentiful especially inside the chicken lots. I almost slid down several times.
I poured out an inch of rain from the gauge that fell last night and today. The clouds were leaving just as the sun was setting this evening to make for a pretty sunset.
I cleaned some of my kitchen cabinets this evening before crashing to the couch with my 4-legged kids. I dozed on and off until daughter came in about 8:45 from her ball practice to bring some other things for this little boy's Christmas like socks,underwear,books and of course some candy.
She asked me not to wrap the things I bought until she got here so she could look at them and make sure they would fit.
We got everything wrapped and I have two large bags of wrapped gifts to drop off at school when I take g-son in the morning. I would love to see this child's face if he doesn't think he is getting anything for Christmas !!
I'm glad daughter is in a position to see when a true need comes along, especially finding out this young fellow just lives right up the road from us.
On a very sad note the funerals for the school shooting victims started today. My heart aches for these folks who I'm sure have presents under their Christmas trees that will not have openers this year. When I think about that tears start with the sadness that makes my heart ache for them.
Praying tonight for God's comfort for these families.

Good Night and God Bless.


Granny said...

Your generosity toward that little boy is wonderful. I'm sure his grandmother will be so appreciative of the clothes you bought for him. It's people like you who make this such a great country to live in.

I too have been saddened by the deaths of all those innocent little children. I can't begin to imagine what those families are going through.

linda m said...

That little boy is going to be so surprised. He is very lucky to have all of you helping him have a nice Christmas. Thank you for what you are doing and God bless you and your family.