Sunday, May 5, 2013


After emptying 2 1/2 inches from the rain gauge during morning chores as I sloshed through a steady downpour it came as no surprise to see the bottom pastures full of water from an overflowing creek on the way to church. Especially after over 4" of rain fell last week end.
Two hours later this is the road as we turned into our driveway. I wouldn't have driven my car through this much water !

It didn't take long at all before the road was impassable.
It disappeared under a river of water and stayed that way all afternoon and evening while the rain continued to come down.
Everyone made it for a spaghetti lunch even with the detours for #2 son as he lives across town now.
Hubbie had to go to a Deacon's meeting at 3:30 so I had a nice quiet afternoon just listening to the raindrops on the roof and snuggling in the upper 40's temperatures with my 4-legged kids.
As I did the evening feeding chores in the rain I took this pic of my beautiful azalea blossoms bowing their heads under the weight of all these raindrops.
I wonder what all this water will do to the blooms?  My garden is mostly under standing water that has no place to go and the ground just can't absorb any more. Thankfully hubbie got our potatoes hilled up yesterday so they wouldn't rot under water.
On my way inside I emptied another almost 2" of rain from the gauge bringing the total since yesterday evening to 4 1/2 inches ! And all night it has rained harder than it has all day so I'm sure I'll have more to add tomorrow morning. The wind has started blowing tonight so hopefully trees won't come down.
I've been following this accident on Old Fort Mt. all afternoon on WLOS TV facebook.
This horse trailer slid off I-40 on the mountain on the rain slick road around noon today. It was loaded with 3 adopted wild mustangs.  They had to call a vet and although I don't understand why the road was totally closed with the truck and trailer so far down the embankment.  The horses were determined to be okay and rescue trailers were called for. However it was reported that state troopers on the scene were wanting to go ahead and put the horses down so they could allow traffic to resume. This set off a furious outcry from everyone who saw it on the facebook page. I hope it wasn't even true to begin with but after some experiences I've had with cattle getting out in roadways I can believe that it was.
Late this afternoon thankfully the horses were not harmed and all were rescued into other trailers and were deemed in good health by the on scene vet with only one of them limping slightly.
As I go to bed tonight I wonder what the morning will bring with more rain headed our way overnight.
God has a reason for all this rain and He will reveal it all in His time. I rest in the comfort of His great love.
Good Night and God Bless.

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