Thursday, October 23, 2014


Had a good market day today with a bus load of tourist headed back to Florida after a five day trip and they were buying things to take back with them. Unlike most bus tours this bus must have had lots of storage room for all their purchases. I sold several cakes to them for the trip back home.
After lunch it got pretty quiet in there and I took a walk across the street to do my banking business to break up the boredom for a little bit.
Inside market was very cool today as I kept my jacket on all day. One of the customers came through and said if we are already shivering  this much in this weather we might freeze solid when winter weather does get here. Hopefully my body will adjust to the colder temperatures or the long underwear will come out early this year,haha.
After I left market I headed over to Rebekah's doctors office to take care of Evy while Rebekah got her blood sugar test. She was afraid the sugary stuff she had to drink would make her sick like it did when she had the test with Evy but this time it didn't make her that sick so we had a nice visit and Evy is should a sweetie I don't ever mind caring for her.
We left there and she headed home and I went back to town to pick up my baking supplies. I passed GB shoes as I pulled out on the road back into town and decided to check out their boots . They didn't have the boots like I want to get but I did find a really nice $50 purse that I bought on sale for $15 !!
After making stops at Aldi and Walmart I made it home about 5:45 with plenty time to get unloaded and do the chores.
I picked some bell peppers from the garden since they are calling for a frost warning for our area for tonight.
It is 51 degrees at 9:30 so it might not get as cold as they say but you never know this time of year.
I am blogging early so I can get into bed earlier tonight because I didn't sleep well at all last night and hope to catch up tonight under the warmth of the covers on this chilly evening.
Talked to daughter earlier tonight and her volleyball team won the third round of state play-offs tonight down in Iredell county.  Congratulations again girls !!!
In this pic from a local Iredell newspaper one of North Iredell's players hits against a North Henderson player in their breast cancer supporting pink uniforms.

Thankful for the blessings of this day, giving all my cares to my Heavenly Father.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

linda m said...

Weather here in WI has been up and down all week. One morning it will be 33 degrees and this morning it is 50 degrees. Daytime temps vary from low 50's to low 60's. Leaves are falling faster than I can keep up with. Glad Rebekah did well with her sugar test and that Evy is feeling better. Have a great weekend. Blessings