Monday, December 8, 2014


Brrrr, it's a cold cloudy morning to start the week. 
I was out doing the chores when little EL arrived for the day after her mom worked all night.
She was a bit shy when she first got here after being with mom for the past couple weeks as they traveled to holiday celebrations with family in Ohio.
She got back to her normal self after a short while as we had breakfast together.
After we ate hubbie went to the lawyer's office to take the invoice for the cakes I delivered yesterday and got his farm truck inspected so he can get his tag renewed. North Carolina now has a law that you can't get your tag renewed until your state inspection is done , they also include the county taxes due on the registration for the tag.
While he was gone EL and I decorated the living room Christmas tree.  I don't know which was more precious to watch, her struggles to choose the ornament she wanted to hang next ........

Or her struggles to figure the perfect place to hang the ornament after she finally choose one.

I have many unbreakable ornaments and they have had their share of being moved on and off and all around the bottom of my tree each year.  G-son has decorated with me since he was EL's age but this year had no interest in the tree so I'm glad I have another helper to fill his shoes.
She did find some favorite ornaments.
Hubbie came home from town and went to work on his wood pile until lunch time. We had a fun lunch with EL as she likes to play peek-a-boo around the newspaper while we eat .
She had to sit quietly with hubbie in the rocker/recliner for a little while to wind down after the fun we had at lunch before she was ready for her nap.
Bless her heart she was "all decorated out" as she went right to sleep and didn't move for a couple hours.
Each time she is here and takes a nap, I wonder what I ever did without this monitor ??
While she slept I did laundry and more decorating while listening to Christmas music. The song titled "Thank God For Kids" came on and made me cry thinking about the wonderful morning I just had with little EL.  It is a great song if you haven't heard it you should definitely give a listen.
When she woke up she was in a fantastic mood and ready for a snack.
Hubbie was just getting back from his trip to the tag office to get a truck tag and checking somethings out at daughter's house and we all three played and read books until her mom came after her.
It was misting a very cold rain while we did chores this evening and the fog was already getting super thick.
They are calling for snow in the higher mountains tomorrow morning from the fourth named winter storm of the season, Damon.
The northeast will suffer the brunt of this storm with up to 18" of snow in places.
I am very thankful tonight for the blessings of this day and for the birth of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ  as He is the reason for this season.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

linda m said...

Evie look alike such a good little helper. She must really brighten your days. Putting up the tree always was a lot of fun when my son was little - seems children have a knack for enjoying it. God's blessings