Friday, June 24, 2016


Woke to another beautiful day. The forecast was for overnight storms but they never materialized for us.
As I finished chores I heard Annie and Flash barking their heads off up in the barn. I knew they had something cornered in there so I went to check it out.
I spotted this fellow just out of the dogs reach so he could antagonize them. He wasn't scared of me either even when the flash on my phone went off. This made me nervous although the raccoon  wasn't acting aggressive they aren't usually out during the daytime.
I got the dogs to follow me on my walk to get them away from the barn and everything quieted down.
I took a nice walk as the air feels drier this morning and there is a breeze.
I came back inside and started getting all my baking things organized then I was going to go to g-son's scout camp ending program but I started feeling really shaky and got cold sweats.
I remembered the medicine I had taken this morning and figured maybe with my walking and going up and down the stairs with my baking supplies I had used up my morning bowl of oatmeal . I took some crackers and layed on the couch for a little while until the feeling passed. By this time it was too late to go to the  scout program so I started my baking for the day.
I baked 6 caramel, 6 chocolate, 4 pound and 1 blackberry wine cake.
I had a late lunch and took more pills !!!
I will need to make it a point not to let my stomach get empty while on these meds anymore.
I worked outside for a little while this afternoon watering my potted plants and moving some things around. It is so dry I tried to pull weeds for the chickens but the ground is so hard they would hardly come up.
D-in-love said g-son's scout program went well, this is his group presenting their skit, g-son is the one standing straight up on the left.

Little sister got to go early and have lunch with brother.
When hubbie got home from work he hurried through his chores and got dressed for Josh's bachelor outing tonight. #2 son picked him up along with #1 son and g-son . They were going to Greenville ,SC to see a Greenville Drive baseball game with Josh , a couple of Josh's brothers, his dad and his nephew Carson who is the same age as g-son.
This is a pic #1 sent of g-son at the game .
Here's one Josh sent of the two boys with #2 son and hubbie sitting behind them.
I did chores and spent the evening icing cakes and getting ready for market tomorrow.
Thankful to God for keeping his loving hands around my family today as enjoy this summertime.
God Bless and Good Night

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