Thursday, August 25, 2016


Got all of the work done and headed for market right on time this morning. Looks like it is going to be a really nice day so maybe sales will be good.
After a pretty slow start I did sell pretty good today, much better than last Thursday anyway.
I had time at market to visit with some of the neighbor vendors between customers.
After market I ran regular errands then stopped at Sav Mor, Aldi and Walmart for baking supplies and groceries. I made it home at 3:30. There was a dark cloud looming while I unloaded and later in the evening as we watched the news it rained in the bottom pasture but not up here at the house. It does that a lot , its as if the rain doesn't want to climb the hill to our house !!!!
After chores hubbie and I watched the sun sink from the outside patio.
#2 son called and said he had bought an old truck in Greenville SC this evening so we rode up the road to look at it. It is a much better truck than the one he bought before.

Hopefully it will serve him to get back and forth to work.
I need to continue with August decade photos so back in August 1976 my oldest brother married his high school sweet heart, Lauren Tester. Lauren's dad was an Episcopal Priest in Boone, NC and that is where the wedding took place. I was one of the bridesmaids along with Lauren's 2 sisters, Jenny and Lyn.

Lauren's brother Jimmy and Jenny provided the music.
Lauren and her brother's Jimmy and Casey.
The couple with both sets of parents.
The bouquet toss.
The happy couple.
At the reception.
My dad, Bob, me and brother the groom.
Unfortunately this marriage didn't last as after about 22 years Lauren left the marriage but lived nearby and they shared custody of their 2 children.
Both are now married to other folks and all are happy.
I am headed to an early bedtime tonight as the almost 90 degree heat of the day sapped my energy completely .
Looks like summer isn't about to let go yet !!!
Thankful for the blessings of this day and for the love of Jesus Christ.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

Glad you had a good day at Market today. Seems these days a lot of marriages don't last. If only they were Christ centered maybe they would lat forever. So sad! I will be so glad when all the heat and humidity are gone. I feel Fall is just around the corner - too many signs of it. Have a great weekend. Blessings