Sunday, July 1, 2018


A quiet Sunday morning today as we welcomed in a new month and got chores done in the already hot humid weather that feels truly July like.
We put chicken in the pressure pot and corn on the cob on the stove to cook while we got ready for church.
We had nursery duty today with #1 son and we took care of 5 little mostly 2 year olds.
Thankfully church was over just after noon and all the kids got picked up.
We headed home to get mashed potatoes, green beans, fried squash, wilted lettuce, toasted sour dough bread and sweet tea ready to go with the chicken and corn for lunch with #1 son's family and Aa's family.
After lunch everyone left and hubbie and I went outside to get some things caught up. Hubbie worked in the garden and sprayed some weed killer in the back yard walkway. I cleaned my last two hen houses and then rested out in the covered patio. #1 son is also having to finish RL's chicken coop today before the storms move in.
Thankfully he got the roof on before these clouds brought rain to us from the south.
Hubbie joined me and we watched the rain come across the mountains with strong winds that drove us inside out of the blowing rain drops.
Sadly one of the Elk bulls from the herd in Cataloochee who had been wandering around the Hendersonville area was struck and killed on I-26 early this morning.
This was a picture taken of this same elk wandering around the Hendersonville Country Club just yesterday.
He was a 3 year old bull elk and should have been tranquilized and taken back to the main herd up in the mountains when he entered such a populated area as this. Even the rangers admit they dropped the ball on this poor elk.
Thankfully no one was injured in the collision.
We are spending a quiet Sunday evening and resting up for a busy week.
Thankful for the blessing of the day and for the freedom to worship our Lord .
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

My hubby and I almost hit an Elk when we lived in AZ. They can really do a lot of damage to a car. I agree that the rangers really dropped the ball on this poor Elk and than no one was hurt in the accident. Blessings