Thursday, May 9, 2019


Up earlier to get chores done and get things ready for market.  I dropped RL at pre-school and met hubbie and IR at market.
IR gets spoiled by all the market vendors as the manager bought her a set of golf clubs to play with and she love them.

Another on the vendors brought in these butterfly wings and IR put them on a wouldn't take them off until it was time for her and hubbie to go run errands and then she cried because we took them off .

As you can see in these pics the market isles were pretty empty of customers today but I had a decent day thankfully.
I left market and went to Walmart to shop for baking supplies and groceries. I also stopped at Petco to get wormer and a name tag for Rosie as we leave her running around more and more.
When I got home g-son was here waiting for me as hubbie and daughter had made a trip to Tractor Supply for fence and posts.
We got unloaded and got things put away then I got off my feet for a few minutes.
My knee is hurting and it feels good to rest it for a while each afternoon.
D-in-love picked up g-son and then I got out to get the chores done as it looks like it could rain any minute.
Hubbie came in and got his chores done and then had to bury Flash the Basset Hound who passed into doggy Heaven .  R. I. P. Flash.
Spent the evening getting the month ending paperwork done and the weekly paperwork plus bill paying done since I was too tired last night.
Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

Sorry to hear about Flash. IR looks so cute with her butterfly wings. Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day to you.