Saturday, September 28, 2019


Hubbie got up at 6am today and managed not to wake me up until I heard him close the door on his way out to load the Honda at 6:30.
He left to get to market to help with getting things set up for Old Timey Day and get the old wood cook stoves fired up to cook the biscuits and meat on.
I got up and got ready while I waited on daylight so I could get the chores done. It is cloudy this morning but very warm and muggy.
I got to market at 8:30 and got set up with the help of IR who is getting good at carrying cakes around the counter for me to arrange.
I also had another helper for part of the day in CA who was a customer attention getter with her sweet smile.
Hubbie helped cook all morning and there was a pretty good crowd meandering around listening to the music and checking out the old cars and tractors on display.

Our sales were okay but not what I was expecting however I am thankful for all that we did sell.
Daughter and I did the paperwork and counted money late after everyone was gone so I could make a bank deposit so we were late loading and didn't get left until 3:00.
Son-in-love had picked up IR from the market before lunch and took her to Laurel Park to play and she loved it.
RL had 2 birthday parties to attend today and this morning she was at Mountain Play Lodge in Asheville with RC (in orange) a little boy in her pre-school class and it looks like they and their other good friend Mosimo had a great time.

Hubbie and I were both pretty wiped out and as a storm moved in as soon as we got inside the house we both crashed and napped while it rained 3/10ths of inch with pretty close thunder and lightening.
We got chores done then delivered some mums daughter bought that she had put in the back of hubbie's truck to haul home , picked up roast beef from Re for lunch tomorrow and dropped some clothes off at #1 son's. RL was trying on her Halloween costume that she picked out.

We came home and crashed once again and got an early bedtime.
It will feel so good to get an extra hour of so of sleep in the morning.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and thankful for the rain we got this afternoon.
God Bless and Good Night

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