Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Well thankfully the scratches on my face don't hurt anymore and I got a good long night's sleep.
Hubbie took g-son to school while I got dressed and ready for chores with RL helping and worrying about my face.
I got chores done and then we all headed out again to drop off RL and then run an errand for the market. We stopped by a favorite thrift shop on the way that has 1/2 off every Tuesday but didn't find much.
I went by the local newspaper office and paid for the ad that they are doing in their paper for our old timey day at market this Saturday.
We came home to meet daughter and the girls and grab a quick breakfast of boiled eggs and toast. On the way up the driveway this big turtle was starting to cross the drive toward #1 son's house. I got out and made him turn around and head back down toward the pond in the pasture.

We left early to go pick up RL and went by the Amazon returns place on our way.
After we picked her up we headed over to Laurel Park to have another picnic and let the girls play.
We took lunch from home today of pizza and snacks.
The girls ate quickly and then hit the playground. Thankfully all three were enjoying the sunshine and play today.

Today has been a little cooler so that was nice and the girls got to stay and play almost all alone today.
We left there and stopped by Pelicans to have snowballs on our way home.

We also stopped at Ingles to meet a lady that was buying a chair daughter was selling and stay with the now sleeping 3 girls while she ran in to Ingles for some baking supplies.
We came home and the tree trimmers for the power lines were here working on clearing our lines. It was very good to see them and now thankfully we won't have anymore power line fires hopefully. But the tall leaning pine tree was out of the right of way so they couldn't do anything about it.
In fact one of the guys who is a tree trimmer in his off work time said it was too dangerous for him to cut.
We will get some other opinions before we give up.
The mama guinea is doing great with her babies and she has a lot of them. I haven't been able to get a count yet as they move around too much .

One of the foremen with the tree trimmers gave me his number and wants some of them when they get old enough.
We got chores done and finished gathering our Indian corn from the garden before the racoons and squirrels find it. It is really pretty.

I will use some for decorations and save some for seed and I'll let the girls get what they want to decorate with.
These sister are beginning to really love each other.

At least I feel much better tonight than last night thankfully.
Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

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