Thursday, May 7, 2020


At 6 am when I got up for a bathroom visit the thermometer said either 36.5 or 38.5 degrees. It was dark and I didn't want to turn on a light to wake hubbie so I crawled back into the warm bed hoping it said 38.5 and no frost would be sparkling off my blooming herbs or new garden plants later this morning.
Thankfully when I did get up a little later there was no signs of frost and the sun was warming things up nicely.
I got chores done and then we headed over to daughter's house to pick up her trash and recyclables and get IR so she could ride with us.
We met a weekly egg customer at our usual spot and got him his eggs. We went to the dump / recycle center then we rode through town to see how many customers were shopping  at the Curb Market. The entire lot had about 4 vendor's cars in it so customers are very scarce these days.
I talked to the market manager and she doesn't feel safe going back to work either and has the same plan as I do for getting back to business at market.
I plan on waiting to see what the opening of all the business does to the number of cases of the covid-19 virus. With the case count still rising each day in the county as well as the state by significant numbers already I'm holding my breath to see what getting folks back out in public does. I also wonder how many people feel like we do and won't be getting back out in the  business world any time soon.
We made a stop at a produce stand on the way home to get some potatoes and tomatoes and then picked up school lunches.
We came home and IR loved the mac and cheese lunch for today and I loved going up to the garden and gathering salad fixings for my lunch.
Daughter brought CA by to stay while her and son-in-love went to Home depot for some lumber so hubbie could build a ramp up into their new storage shed.
G-son came up to have lunch and stay with us for a while . His mom worked at school today and RL is spending time with her other g-ma.
G-son went with hubbie and the girls to daughter's house to build the ramp.
I stayed here and started gathering coverings for our tender plants.
Luckily g-son and hubbie came home just in time for g-son to help me load the bigger herb pots into the wheelbarrow to get them in the greenhouse for next several days.

The greenhouse sure smells a lot sweeter this evening than it did several weeks ago when all the Silkie chickens were spending the winter in here.
I guess the basement winter green house will stay in place awhile longer.
Hubbie built stands across these raised beds so they can be covered again as the plants are too tall now for the glass door covers. With these stands we can just drape blankets over them.
I got chores done and then hubbie helped me put all the covers on the beds and I used old sheets for the summer vegetables that have come up.
Thankfully not a lot of the seeds we planted for our summer garden have sprouted and come up yet.
Tonight isn't the worst night but I won't be worried all night and watching the temperature when I get up .
As you can see from this Almanac post that we are way below normal but as you can see by the record back in 1989 it can get freeze this late in our season .

We came inside and rested for the evening.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and praying for all the victims of the virus right now. A couple friends of ours have lost parents to this dreaded disease. Praying for both Corn families tonight as they grieve the loss of these elder folks who caught this virus as it ravaged their rest homes.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

Blessings. Low 30's night temps here also.