Thursday, July 2, 2020


Another up and at it morning as hubbie met an egg customer early this morning while I finished chores.
He came back and finished gathering our recyclables and trash and then we picked up RL on the way to daughter's.
We gathered her recyclables and trash while the girls jumped on IR's new trampoline in the garage.
We left there and had to reverse our usual schedule because the other egg delivery was at 11:00 in town so we went straight there.
We did our banking and then made a delivery to the market manager of a couple  Norwex mask Re had ordered for her. IR was happy to see Sue and Sue couldn't believe how much all three of the girls had changed, especially CA who was napping on the ride this morning.
RL and IR are simply joys most days as we ride and today was one of the days that they sang their little hearts out and sung every song either of them could think of  together.
We stopped at the PO , a fruit stand and then made it to the dump / recycle center on our last stop.
We came home to have lunch and then some fresh strawberries for dessert that I pick up at the fruit stand.
After we ate daughter came over from doing her yard work while we were gone and we all went down to d-in-love's to swim in her pool.
Daughter ordered CA an inflatable little life jacket / raft and she loved it since she could be turned loose to splash in the water all she wanted.

We spent the afternoon sitting around watching these girls have fun in the water. Although it didn't take this one long to completely wear herself out splashing around in the water.
We all left and hubbie and I came in to watch the early news and then got chores done .
We picked more zuchinni squash from the garden and since d-in-love some extra bell peppers I found a good looking recipe for relish made from zuchinni that I am going to make.
But not tonight as I have 12 caramel cakes to make tonight to fill holiday orders tomorrow.
I lucked up and found the guinea hen's new nest once again and robbed 10 eggs from it. I have 2 different silkie hens that are wanting to set so I made a nest and put both of the hens in the brooder condo with it to see which one really wants to set.
I am planning some major moving around of the chicks this weekend so I will make more pics of their progress. Sadly none of the 8 guinea eggs in the incubator this time hatched along with 6 of the chicken eggs. I probably need to start candling the eggs at some point during incubation to see if it is something I am doing during hatch time .
As this month starts off still with the Covid 19 virus making a significant come back in many states including ours we are having a different kind of summer but when I think back to last year and the struggles we were going through with CA this year seems to be a breeze. Hubbie and I are getting used to staying home and doing curb side pick up of groceries and ordering things online, in fact we like it better.
Daughter sent this pic to me tonight and as I laughed I wondered what the remainder of this year is really going to look like and what else might happen.

The decision on what to do about opening schools was delayed for a couple more weeks to see if the mask wearing mandate might make a difference in the number of cases and deaths per day. Maybe a totally different schedule coming soon for us regardless of what schools do so we are trying to enjoy each day of this slow lazy summer we can.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and thankful for God's protective arms holding us securely as we tread these uncharted waters.
God Bless and Good Night

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