Monday, May 3, 2021


 Up to get this rainy day started. I didn't sleep well last night for some reason and I heard rain each time I woke up throughout the early morning hours. All the grand kids are here this morning. Hubbie took g-son to school while the girls and I watched TV. I got on my rain gear and headed out to get chores done when hubbie got back. It poured on and off the entire time I was outside and my raincoat has a leak under my left arm so I got soaked.  I need to move the chicks out of the brooder box on the front porch but I decided not to try it in this pouring rain. It was 100 degrees in the box this morning without the front cover and only a 40 watt light bulb in there. They are plenty feathered out to go into a bigger box with no heat.  I came back inside and had breakfast with the girls then delivered a couple cakes and got soaked again.  It rained all day and the girls didn't like staying inside since they have gotten to play outside each day for a while now. This little girls may be on her way to potty training since she used it today. We have out fingers crossed that she will get interested and get trained before the new baby gets here.

After their mom's picked them up I finished the 4 loads of laundry I have been working on all day and I also got the downstairs woodstove cleaned up hopefully for the last time this season.                                I went outside and moved the chicks into a bigger brooder box up at the feed shed and they acted like they really enjoyed the extra space. They are about 3.5 weeks old . I will put a solar light in the box tonight since they have always had a light on them.

I looked in on the first sitting Silkie and she only hatched the one little grey chick. That was very disappointing hatch and most of the eggs were not fertile.

Now today this second white silkie has hatched out one little silkie chick and I am surely hoping for better hatch results for her.
After chores I relaxed for the evening planning on getting an early bedtime to catch up on the lost sleep of last night. I emptied 1.5 inches of rain from the gauge this evening.
Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night


1 comment:

linda m said...

Blessings. Good luck with potty training CA.