Friday, March 19, 2010


Well I knew today had only one way to go and that was better than yesterday. And as I awoke to the bright sunshine this morning I had a good feeling.
I hurried through chores as I wanted to get my cakes baked before I went to pick up g-son.
Tried out a new aerobic exercise tape while my ovens were full,whew!!! That was a good workout but really hard on my achy knees.
I realized I had forgotten to buy Peach Wine and jello for a Peach Wine cake a lady ordered so I left a little early and picked some up on the way to pre-school. Then we made a stop at Big Lots on the way home to pick up a couple of things. G-son got a pack of 3 super heroes and he played with them all afternoon.First slide of the new season, I'm sure it will be the first of many.This is g-son's portrayal of a sliding robot!!!!
It was so nice to be outside this afternoon in just a t-shirt,wow, all that snow is just a memory now and hopefully it'll stay that way. With all the green buds on the trees and bushes I hope it doesn't get cold again.
I worked some in my shop this afternoon while he played on a gravel pile right outside the door and rode his tricycle in the driveway.
I found a big mouse nest under some cloth and had to through away some really nice cloth pieces.I have one side of the cloth stacks all cleaned out and in containers now.
After grilled burgers hubbie and I went to finish work at church while daughter did some baking.
I iced caramel,chocolate and coconut cakes when I got home ,wrapped and labeled everything. Hoping tomorrow will be a good market day since it is supposed to be really pretty again. It has been 62 degrees today and is still 47 at 11:00 tonight.We can hear the peeper frogs even through the closed windows when we go to bed, sounds like there are hundreds of them down at the pond.
Very thankful to God for this beautiful day and humbled by the goodness He shows me everyday. Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you had a great day, Marilyn... Those cakes sound so good... Have you ever made a Hummingbird Cake??? I love that one---and of course, Carrot Cake.... YUM!!!!

Glad the grandson got to enjoy being outside. He seems like such a nice little boy...

We had a beautiful day also here. BUT--it's going to get cold and wet on Sunday/Monday... Yuk!!!!

Have a beautiful Saturday.