Sunday, August 22, 2010


At church this morning we honored all our students, teachers and school workers. Our church is blessed with an abundance of school workers,hubbie included,that's him on the far left.
Daughter is the only one who didn't make it to Sunday dinner today. She is finishing up a week long dog sitting job and going to work at Fats this afternoon.
As I sat outside the air was filled with the sound of lawn mowers,including ours, God forgive us but after the last few rainy days everyone's grass needs mowing.
Today is a beautiful day but the heat is back.When I walked this evening there was a breeze blowing making it feel good and I wasn't sweating like I have for the past month or so on my walks.
Stopped by #2 son's on my way home from my walk. Flash is one of the prettiest dogs I've seen in a while.
He is exactly what #2 son needed and he is a really smart little dog who is growing really fast.
I put my Avon order on line tonight as hubbie and I have some early morning errands to do in the morning and I'm not sure we will get back before noon.
While I was sitting on my patio today I looked at this plant. It was given to me years ago by a friend and I have divided it and now have 2. It is called "Crown of Thorns"..Another name is " Christ Plant". The crown of thorns that Jesus wore on his head at His crucifiction at the cross was believed to be made from this plant.You can see that could have been a real possibility. The entire plant is covered with very hurtful thorns right up to the blossoms.The blooms although pretty are very plain looking,maybe in grief of being used in such a horrific event.
After a restful uneventful day I'm ready to face what God has in my plans for this week.
Good Night and God Bless.


Ardith said...

I love the pictures and story of the plant! I've never seen it before. Isn't it wonderful the way God can bring people together to share information? Who would have thought someone I don't know in NC would tell me - in Oklahoma - such a thing. I love it. Hope your week it great. Take care and God Bless.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love seeing the Crown of Thorns plant... That is interesting.. I've never seen one. Pretty little red flowers ---maybe reminding us of the blood he shed for us.

Sounds like you had a great day. That is nice of you to honor school workers.

The Morning Glories are pretty... Love that color.

Flash is a pretty dog for sure....

It's cooler here and I LOVE it... It was fun to wake up with the house opened. I could hear the Cardinals out there chipping...NEAT!!!

Have a good day.