Monday, October 11, 2010


Got a late start this morning so I decided to do what is the most profitable to me. That is baking cakes,so I spent the morning baking and didn't deliver any Avon. It is so discouraging to keep on with Avon when I am not even making gas money some weeks.
Hubbie is off today and he spent the morning staining doors at church.
#1 son and g-son came in to meet son's nurse at noon. We all ate lunch together and g-son went to help his Pawpaw finish cleaning roots out of the previous berry patch.
I had a doctor's appointment today to get my knee looked at. It has almost stopped bothering me and most of the swelling is gone.Hey here is my knees with the doc's diagnosis of a spur and some joint space narrowing,nothing serious you could see in a x-ray anyway.
He said he thinks my arthritis got irritated and caused the swelling and weakness. If I have more problems he will do an MRI to look at all the other stuff in knees.
I liked the new doctor but the wait in his office was an hour before even getting an x-ray.
I saw a lot of serious looking injuries during that wait,whew! at times I felt out of place with no bandages ,crutches,or walkers.
When I drive to Asheville I take this little country road across a nearby mountain.
There is very little traffic and it is so peaceful, even though it takes longer it does my blood pressure good to go this way!
The leaves are taking their time turning this year on these mountains,yellows are all that is visible so far. I want to drive this road again in about 2 weeks and then I'll show you the difference.
When I got home son and g-son were leaving to go home. Hubbie and I had a light supper and then I decided to take a long walk to celebrate my knee diagnosis.
I was sad when I saw the color of the water in the creek that runs through our property.
The usually crystal clear waters of aptly named Clear Creek were a dirty dishwater gray tonight. I see this periodicly and can only think it comes from the discharge of treated sewage from trailer parks and one large business up stream from our farm. It will be clear again tomorrow but I still feel sad everytime I see this color in the water.
Spotted this little guy on the fence. I haven't seen many of these Eastern Bluebirds at my feeders this year but soon this guy was joined by a whole flock of his friends.
Looks like one of them had a good supper tonight and she was perched on top of the post not looking like she was sharing.
The yellow is the color of choice in our fields also.As the sun's last sinking rays reflect off these making a striking scene.
Had a long visit from my cousin Mike tonight,got a number from him of a cousin who has done alot of work on finding our ancestors on my mom's side of the family.Planning to call her tomorrow to schedule a meet.
Thanking God tonight for the news at the doc's office and for all my many blessings today and for such an eye pleasing colorful world to live in !!
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Marilyn, Glad you got your knees checked.. Sounds like you are okay for now... BUT--if that pain comes back, get that MRI and get the knee checked out.. My knee has been GREAT since my surgery.. I'm glad I did it.

That's awful about the water in your creek... It's too bad they are allowed to do that... What a shame.

We have alot of yellow now and some red... But it's been so dry --so I'm not sure what other colors we will get this Fall...

I am posting some pictures around our yard tomorrow that we took today... There have been alot of changes just in the past few days.
