Thursday, May 9, 2013


A hectic day began with warm sunshine for a change this morning as g-son and I headed out to school. I hurried through chores and headed to market.
Market was slow this morning so I didn't hate it too much when it was time for me to leave early for the day.
The lady that has been trying to get the loan to buy hubbie's parents old house finally after more than 4 months is ready to close.
The time is noon today at a local bank. All four of us, hubbie and I and hubbie's brother and his wife have to be there to sign papers.
I picked up our papers from our lawyer's office on the way to market this morning.
As we signed the final papers I felt a wave of relief to finally be finished with this ordeal after more than 2 years. The house was built in the early 50's and is a "cookie cutter" mill village house but they had kept it up very well and it was in very good shape within walking distance to town.
The buyer is sis-in-law's brother and his wife.

I went back by market and the neighbor said that several customers had been looking for me,hopefully they will come back Saturday.
I ran weekly errands and did my baking supply shopping. I even bought my first gallon of fresh strawberries at a local farm outlet. They are not as good as some years but taste okay for all the rain we've had this year.
The temperature reached the mid 70's today for a nice day but as I started home the skies darkened and I had to unload the van in a rain shower. Seems we can't get by a day without at least a short rain shower. But today's wasn't as bad as some neighbor's just up the road had. They got an inch of rain in less than 30 minutes from the thunder I heard as I darted in and out of the house unloading.
After the shower and after finishing chores I walked up into the woods, looking to see if my Ladies Slippers were in bloom yet.  They were !!
This old fashioned Snowball bush has sprang into full bloom with today's sunshine.
The clouds made for a nice sunset this evening.
And just as I came back inside as darkness fell I spotted this Indigo Bunting at the feeder on the front porch. I have seen him several times in the last week but never could get a picture. With the flash on tonight his bright color is stunning.
Hubbie and I had BLT's from some of the fresh tomatoes I bought today for supper.
As I watched the news tonight my heart went out to the children of the man who shot his family and himself yesterday. The 9 year old daughter and 4 year old son both witnessed their daddy shooting their mother and grandparents. The 9 year old daughter called 911 and gave police a description of her dad's car. This is so sad that anyone would commit such a crime and to do it in front of his children is just unthinkable !
These 2 children are with the brother of the wife now so I pray for them and their new family.
Praying tonight for this family and asking for comfort for these children.
Good Night and God Bless.


linda m said...

Happy to hear you finally closed on the house. My heart goes out to the two children. Seems like your weather is like ours. It seems to rain every other day here too. Blessings

Gail said...

That will be a worry through with...the house sold.

I'm beginning to think we are turning into a tropical jungle here but far better drought.